Today’s playlist is great for 4am walks when you just really need to practice Dao.
#solitude #walking #playlist #music
Indeed, a blessing! #psychoanalysis #psychology #introvert #cgjung #Freud #psychotherapy #solitude #quiet #silence #academia #academicmastodon #modernity #noise
#psychoanalysis #psychology #introvert #cgjung #freud #psychotherapy #solitude #quiet #silence #academia #academicmastodon #modernity #noise
This is nice, just sitting here, all night.
#Art #Illustration #loss #solitude #night #inkyconditions
"Many people can’t stand silence. Empty air space is something that is unfamiliar and unwelcome for them. They immediately seek to fill it with their own voice.”
#introvert #mind #solitude
Read more here:
♪#solitude~真夏のサヨナラ~/KinKi Kids
2002年発売の15thシングルで、 #堂本光一 さん出演の日本テレビ系土曜ドラマ『#リモート』の主題歌
Trending: in this #OpenAccess paper Clara Humpston argues for the importance of investigating the kinds of #nothingness, #solitude and #nihilism intrinsic to #schizophrenia and how these might be understood from the angle of paradoxicality @philosophyofpsychiatry @phenomenology @psychiatry
#schizophrenia #nihilism #solitude #nothingness #openaccess
IX. The Hermit. 🧙♂️
The #winter #solstice is the longest night; dark and cold. Perfect for #introspection and #solitude, illuminated by a single #lantern. 🕯️
The #Hermit is often depicted standing in snow, an empty canvas on which to project our inner #wisdom without the imperfections of #ego. ❄️
Also, the solstice is associated with the sun (Sol) which matches the #Fire aspect of The Hermit. 🔥
#fire #ego #wisdom #hermit #lantern #solitude #introspection #solstice #winter
“Solitude for the writer is hard and glorious and essential." Ann Tashi Slater
#kdsmiththewriter #authors #authorproblems #writersproblems #authorslife #writers #writerslife #solitude #aroomofonesown #writersofmastodon #writersonmastodon #authorsofmastodon #authorsonmastodon
#kdsmiththewriter #authors #authorproblems #writersproblems #authorslife #writers #writerslife #solitude #aroomofonesown #writersofmastodon #writersonmastodon #authorsofmastodon #authorsonmastodon
Wilting in Italy
#photography #heat #solitude #foto #ruin
#ruin #foto #solitude #heat #photography
The limits of nothingness
#photography #boat #rowingboat #lake #mountains #sky #clouds #rocks #shore #water #horizon #stillwater #nowind #forest #lanscape #nature #outdoors #wilderness #noroads #rural #naturereserve #reflection #Ottfjället #sweden #jämtland #northernsweden #august #summer #solitude #Ottsjön
#photography #boat #rowingboat #lake #mountains #sky #clouds #rocks #shore #water #horizon #stillwater #nowind #forest #lanscape #nature #outdoors #wilderness #noroads #rural #naturereserve #reflection #ottfjallet #sweden #jamtland #northernsweden #august #summer #solitude #ottsjon
🎨 Exposition « Ron Mueck » à la Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, à Paris.
Jusqu’au 05 novembre 2023.
Suite et fin de la visite subjective, qui s'achèvera avec l'une de mes préférées 🧵 ⤵️
#RonMueck #sculpture #art #expo #exposition #FondationCartier #ArtContemporain #réalisme #hyperréalisme #figuration #naissance #existence #solitude #animal #sentience #Paris
Ron Mueck, This Little Piggy, 2023, Courtesy Thaddaeus Ropac.
Pièce en cours d’élaboration.
#ronmueck #sculpture #art #expo #exposition #fondationcartier #artcontemporain #realisme #hyperrealisme #figuration #naissance #existence #solitude #animal #Sentience #paris
Se promener seul
#citation #Krishnamurti #promenade #solitude
« [Ne] vous arrive-t-il jamais d'aller vous promener seul ? C'est pourtant essentiel de sortir seul, de s'asseoir sous un arbre – sans livre et sans autre compagnon que soi-même – et d'observer la chute d'une feuille, d'entendre le clapotis de l'eau, le chant du pêcheur, d'observer l'envol d'un oiseau, et de vos propres pensées... »
– Krishnamurti, Le sens du bonheur, Stock, 2006, p. 123
Citation complète :
#citation #Krishnamurti #promenade #solitude
I live a life mostly in solitude, the only person I speak to daily is my son and I generally only see people when I have appointments.
Social media fills the gap when I need connection but at the same time it drains me, I can't always be "on".
Solitude really is essential to me, to who I am and thats something I only discovered after burnout. Being at peace alone is powerful to me, no pressures, no stress.
#mentalhealth #SelfCare #solitude #randomthoughts
Solitude. Very remote location accessible only by boat. Find this hauntingly beautiful. House dwarfed by the surrounding mountains and Loch. #mountains #naturephotography #landscapephotography #scotland #solitude #photography
#photography #solitude #scotland #landscapephotography #naturephotography #mountains
Record technostress and reduced well-being show that remote working isn’t as good as we thought #télétravail #bienêtre #technostress #technologie #numérique #à_traduire #travail_à_distance #solitude #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #solitude #travail_a_distance #a_traduire #numerique #technologie #technostress #bienetre #teletravail
For me it was important to be alone;
solitude was a prerequisite to being
openly and joyfully susceptible and
responsive to the world of leaves, light, birdsong, flowers, flowing water.
— Mary Oliver
Wir haben heute eine kleine, sehr feine #gravelbike-Tour zum Schloss #solitude und zum #bärenschlössle gemacht. Beide sind unter unseren Top-Zielen in #stuttgart. Was sind eure Lieblingsziele?
#gravelbike #solitude #barenschlossle #Stuttgart
The worst type of solitude #shorts #solitude #friendship #friends #life #productivity
#productivity #life #friends #friendship #solitude #shorts
“After a hectic lifetime of being exposed to an overwhelming amount of connections without boundaries, accountability, or respect, it is infinitely enriching for me to be in solitude, just to balance things out.”
#HappilySingle #Solitude #RecoveringPeoplePleaser #RecoveringCodependent
#happilysingle #solitude #recoveringpeoplepleaser #recoveringcodependent