pupluna · @pupluna
0 followers · 2 posts · Server mas.to

Just come to cinema to have a masculine watching Barbie by myself.

#chilling #solodate

Last updated 1 year ago

Virtual Boy :bec_wink: · @LevelUp
146 followers · 3015 posts · Server corteximplant.com

On day, a lot of people can feel down but there are things you can do to improve your mental health and well-being.

I have attached an image that lists some ideas, alt text is included.

Original post:

If today is too much to go through alone then please reach out to some friends, mute or block keywords related to today's corpo celebration.

If you are okay but you have some friends you worry about, now is the time to reach out to them too. Remember, it's mostly used to sell products to the masses.

Another option I didn't include is making plans for the future or making mood boards. Now is a day for dreaming and giving yourself something to look forward to. It's okay to do things for yourself on your own terms. Take some time for yourself.

#valentines #valentinesday #mentalhealth #wellbeing #selfcare #single #solodate #solodating

Last updated 1 year ago