Nathan_Nino · @Nathan_Nino
47 followers · 251 posts · Server

Finally got my solokey V2s. I'm pretty happy with it, but I did find 1 issue with it. It seems like, if I connect a key to an account using my computer, my phone will not be able to connect to it using NFC?

I can still connect to it using my USB-A to USB-C adapter, but I was wondering if there was something else I could do.

#u2f #solokeys #solokeyv2 #solokey

Last updated 1 year ago

Technoprenerd · @technoprenerd
42 followers · 6 posts · Server

Got SSH working with the !

Note: update to the newest version and set a PIN first.

Good guide -

#solokey #openssh

Last updated 1 year ago

Technoprenerd · @technoprenerd
42 followers · 4 posts · Server

PGP appears to work through PivAgent -
Although my piv-agent cannot find the on OSX (ideas?..).

And keep an eye out on @nitrokey Opcard-rs for implementation -

#solokey #openpgp

Last updated 1 year ago

· @wiulinu
21 followers · 227 posts · Server

Nach viel und lang überlegen bin ich langsam aber sicher bereit mir security keys zuzulegen. Nur welche? Solokey, nitrokey, yubikey, winkeo. Am einfachsten/sinnvollsten wäre wohl ein yubikey + zusätzlichen key als backup 🤔

#neowavefr #winkeo #yubikey #solokey #nitrokey #securitykey #linux #security

Last updated 1 year ago

pr3d · @pr3d
40 followers · 444 posts · Server

Finally the have arrived.

They are nice, but why is the LED only on one side of the key?

They wrote:
> Reversible connector for both USB-A and USB-C. Solo V2 will be providing the first ever reversible USB-A connector. This will enable inserting the key into a USB Port and being able to decide what side you want to face up. This fixes the problem of having a key be oriented with the LED light not facing the operator.

#u2f #fido2 #solokey #solokeys

Last updated 1 year ago

Thomas Aldrian · @Weissnix4711
7 followers · 36 posts · Server

Looking for an alternative to . Something with the same , piv and functionalities.

So I came across something called which aims to provide a FOSS alternative to the previously used . And it seems to already have applets (or equivalent) for all the features I would like to see.

Has anyone used any Trussed devices, like the or @nitrokey 3? Would anyone be able to recommend a specific device over another, or does the hw not make much difference?

#yuibkey #fido #pgp #Trussed #javacard #solokey #solo2

Last updated 1 year ago

Libre Lenny · @admin
16 followers · 94 posts · Server

@vmstan I ordered a a month or so ago. It's an Open Source key. Still waiting for it to arrive. Can't wait to try it out.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hélio Costa · @hlegius
135 followers · 146 posts · Server

options besides ? I came across one that was opensource and such but I can’t recall the name. It wasn’t that’s for sure. I need for personal and is a plus - halp?

#mfa #yubico #solokey #nfc

Last updated 2 years ago

I am *finally getting* my SoloKeys I paid for like... I forgot when 😂

#yubikey #security #solokey #hardwarekey #indiegogo

Last updated 2 years ago

Hessenhelden · @Hexangon
17 followers · 481 posts · Server

Ich bin gerade dabei mich mit und Alternativen einzulesen. Als Alternative wurde u.a. angegeben, aber mir stellt sich die Frage nach dem anschauen der eingebundenen Dienste ob so was vertrauen erweckt?! Naja soll jeder für sich entscheiden.

#yubikey #solokey

Last updated 2 years ago

So I ordered a a while ago, it finally arrived...the same day the I got on a Cloudflare promo arrived. The Yubikey does seem faster (I had a NEO before, but wanted USB-C and NFC so expected it to be good).

Now I have 5 hardware keys. Kinda a pain to set up and keep track of but I guess that's fine?

#solokey #yubikey

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Joachim
1 followers · 2 posts · Server

What about 2FA with mastodon, e.g., by using open source ?


Last updated 2 years ago

Wildy :verified_paw: · @me
26 followers · 141 posts · Server

Now, folks. Which do you prefer, and why? , , , or something else entirely?

#2fa #fido2 #u2f #security #key #nitrokey #onlykey #solokey #yubikey

Last updated 2 years ago

Axel · @tetrapyloctomist
251 followers · 3441 posts · Server

I'm thinking about a hardware token for 2FA like a or any alternative, so I'm curious of how much use it would be for me in the longer run.
The token should support an USB-A in order for me to be able to use it with my devices.
I take it from their website that would not be compatible with my Huawei , which is a show-stopper.😟

#p20pro #solokey #nfc #opensource #yubikey

Last updated 3 years ago

· @jollyrogue
66 followers · 3877 posts · Server

Hey Fedi, any experience or opinion on OnlyKeys or SoloKeys. I’m looking for a hardware key to harden logins.

Mainly OpenSSH, Linux/BSD/macOS, and password manager.

I might try unlocking encrypted volumes, but it’s not a necessary feature.

#2fa #solokey #onlykey #hardwarekey

Last updated 3 years ago

LucifarGundam · @lucifargundam
254 followers · 9019 posts · Server

@nick @torproject @briar
My bad- I haven't had my coffee yet and misunderstood.

As I still wake up, speaking from a pinephone user perspective:::
- A fully , with optional support for hardware key (like , or )
++Not sure about hw key, but encrypted fs is relatively easy on most Linux distros
- NO Scanner or at all
++ doesn't have that at all
- that can only be toggled on temporarily, and automatically shuts off after X amount of time
++Probably a feature to be released in the near future
- 5+ with ; and with a more security focused method of
++From the wiki "Bluetooth: 4.0, A2DP"; could probably swap it out though.
- All internet connections routed through @torproject (or something similar), with a if the connection is dropped
++Maybe configure a distro to do so? I know there's various killswitches on the back.
- Privacy focused with something like Everywhere; and JS disabled by default, with easy toggle for "trusted" websites, which would allow JS and Video etc
++Never tried this specific setup myself-ill have to give it a go.
- messaging; voice chat; video conferencing; forums and blogs, like where is being taken by @briar (though the voice; video and other creature comforts are as yet unavailable)
++I used as well as ssh into my personal communication server
- No closed source Modem/Wifi/Bluetooth binary blobs
++Iirc, pinephones modem is open.
- Securely Containerized SMS/MMS
++Sms/mms is still unstable but working
- Password Manager with support for ; and
++I keep being referred to bitwarden. Not sure if this applies.
- by default
++Not aware of any mobile distro doing this be default
I would like to see more Linux phone options/development out there in the wild...

#encrypted #filesystem #solokey #nitrokey #decryption #fingerprint #biometrics #pinephone #nfc #bluetooth #a2dp #aptx #ble #authentication #killswitch #browser #ssl #webrtc #decentralized #briar #fractal #otp #totp #fido2 #gps #spoofing

Last updated 3 years ago

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian: · @atoponce
953 followers · 2864 posts · Server

For those who have U2F/FIDO keys (, , , etc), have you registered multiple keys with a single account?

I guess the motivation would be just in case you lose one key, you have a backup. But this also seems to increase your attack surface.


#solokey #nitrokey #cybersecurity #2fa #security #yubikey

Last updated 3 years ago

Chris :fedora: :flag_nl: · @RyuKurisu
339 followers · 8545 posts · Server

@rob @maxeddy @freakazoid thanks for all the suggestions!

Because I want to use it on 'old' computers *and* smartphones, but I don't want to carry a dongle. So even thou I've got USB-C on my primairy devices, I still want a USB-A (I've been reading up jargon 😊) but with NFC for mobile devices.

That makes my current choice between & 🤔

Yubi is the industry standard so will have the most support, but Solo is completely open source and has upgradable firmware 😩

#securitykey #solokey #yubikey

Last updated 3 years ago

Chris :fedora: :flag_nl: · @RyuKurisu
339 followers · 8545 posts · Server

I'd like to get a hardware authentication device (aka YubiKey) for my birthday, which would be the most secure and the most ?

Would that be the ? Any other suggestions? The have to ship to Europe (Netherlands specifically) 🦾😎

#infosec #birthdaypresent #opensource #solokey

Last updated 3 years ago

Umnik · @umnik
121 followers · 1914 posts · Server

Я не знаю, поведение это конкретно или вообще это нормально для всех, но нажатие на кнопку подтверждения позволяет сайту читать данные на 3 секунды.

Выглядит скорее неприятно, чем опасно.

Как проверить:

1. Зайти на любой сайт, где можно использовать U2F. Например
2. Зарегать ключ
3. Нажать кнопку на ключе и только потом нажать на сайте кнопку запроса верификации

Тестовый сайт сразу вернёт данные, без необходимости нажимать кнопку.

Т.к. время этого всего 3 секунды, не считаю проблему серьёзной.

Проверял на

#solokey #firefox

Last updated 3 years ago