Finally got my solokey V2s. I'm pretty happy with it, but I did find 1 issue with it. It seems like, if I connect a key to an account using my computer, my phone will not be able to connect to it using NFC?
I can still connect to it using my USB-A to USB-C adapter, but I was wondering if there was something else I could do.
#u2f #solokeys #solokeyv2 #solokey
@frank @keno3003 Du meinst Resident Keys:
AFAIK brauchst du die nur für #Passkeys aber nicht für Standard #FIDO2. Mein #Solokeys hat 50 slots für Resident Keys, manche #Yubikeys nur 25.
Du kannst aber unendlich viele FIDO2 Services mit einem Token betreiben. Noch ein Vorteil von FIDO2 HW-Token.
#passkeys #fido2 #solokeys #yubikeys
How Hype Will Turn Your #Security Key Into Junk
#passkeys #FIDO #FIDO2 #Authentication #2FA #Apple #yubikey #nitrokey #solokeys
#security #passkeys #fido #fido2 #authentication #2fa #apple #yubikey #nitrokey #solokeys
Endlich sind sie da und rund zwei Jahre darauf gewartet. Meine neuen #solokeys ☺️
@garritfra related to your "I won't buy a YubiKey" from
First: #YubiKey is only one company who sells #FIDO2 compatible devices. So I'd recommend to use "FIDO2" as the open standard instead of product lines of companies. I own a #SoloKeys and it's also providing FIDO2 services.
Second: my main argument for owning and using a FIDO2 USB device is that this is the only method that protects against #phishing which is one of the most prominent threats these days. #security
#yubikey #fido2 #solokeys #phishing #security
Finally the #solokeys have arrived.
They are nice, but why is the LED only on one side of the key?
They wrote:
> Reversible connector for both USB-A and USB-C. Solo V2 will be providing the first ever reversible USB-A connector. This will enable inserting the key into a USB Port and being able to decide what side you want to face up. This fixes the problem of having a key be oriented with the LED light not facing the operator.
#u2f #fido2 #solokey #solokeys
Falls jemand von euch einen nackten #SoloV2-#FIDO2-Hardwarekey von #SoloKeys besitzt und diesen gerne mit einem wärmenden Silikonkleidchen versehen möchte, hätte ich hier etwas im Angebot. Schickt mir einfach eure Adresse, eine Internetmarke oder mobile Briefmarke für einen Standardbrief und die Info, welche Farbe(n) ihr möchtet per DM und ich schicke euch bis zu vier Hüllen zu.
#SoloV2 #fido2 #solokeys #fediGive
I've ordered my #solokeys at #kickstarter in February 2021. But still haven't received them. Does anyone already got them?
#solo #SecurityKeys
#securitykeys #solo #kickstarter #solokeys
I have been informed that the v2 #Solokeys i backed a year or so ago are in the mail.
Man how time flies.
@pixelpusher FIDO2 sticks are a pretty cool piece of technology. For authentication, asymetric cryptography is used. Much more secure than a passwort, because even when a Man-in-the-middle attack is perfomed, an attacker is not able to reconstruct any keys. #Solokeys produces an open source version of such a stick.
Finally got my #SoloKeys v2 about 18 months after backing the project on IndieGogo. They look fun but holy crap is the USB-C connector off this cute little purple special edition one gonna break in a week of use.
Hey #fedivers
Est-ce que vous avez testé cette #clé #usb de #sécurité ?
#question #fido #fido2 #openSource #security #securityToken #solokeys
#fedivers #clé #usb #sécurité #question #fido #fido2 #opensource #security #securitytoken #solokeys
I use Ungoogled Chromium as my primary web browser on Manjaro. My 2FA SoloKeys generally work... except for my Google account that I use to access the Search Console. I thought it was curious that my keys only failed to work for Google, so I looked for the reason why. I did find the answer on GitHub along with how to fix it were I so inclined.
#google #chromium #fido #solokeys #ungoogledchromium #newleafjournal #TheNewLeafJournal #foss #manjaro
#manjaro #foss #TheNewLeafJournal #newleafjournal #ungoogledchromium #solokeys #fido #chromium #google