🚨 Green earthquake alert (Magnitude 5.5M, Depth:90.151km) in Solomon Islands 12/09/2023 01:18 UTC, 70 thousand in 100km.
On 9/12/2023 1:18:54 AM, an earthquake occurred in Solomon Islands potentially affecting 70 thousand in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 5.5M, Depth:90.151km.
More details: https://www.gdacs.org/report.aspx?eventtype=EQ&eventid=1391182
🚨 Green earthquake alert (Magnitude 5.3M, Depth:25.948km) in Solomon Islands 31/08/2023 19:33 UTC, 210 thousand in 100km.
On 8/31/2023 7:33:43 PM, an earthquake occurred in Solomon Islands potentially affecting 210 thousand in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 5.3M, Depth:25.948km.
More details: https://www.gdacs.org/report.aspx?eventtype=EQ&eventid=1389414
Caroline Kennedy to Be Ambassador to Solomon Islands
#ambassador #Australia #carolinekennedy #diplomacy #SolomonIslands
#ambassador #Australia #carolinekennedy #diplomacy #solomonislands
So, according to #ChatGPT, this is "an alphabetically ordered list of space-separated hashtags of all countries in the Global South. Each country name written in the most-spoken language of said country", but I'm not too sure it's right. For starters, I'm missing #Brasil and #Chile from the list.
Anyway, I've likely got tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023) at -%20 if you're from any of these:
#বাংলাদেশ #ભારત #ລາວ #البحرين #ভারত #ভারতমহাসাগর #မြန်မာ #بنگلاديش #កម្ពុជា #Colombia #جيبوتي #مصر #السلفادور #ኢትዮጵያ #فيجي #Gambia #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Indonesia #Iraq #الأردن #کشورهای_جنوبی #لبنان #Liberia #مدغشقر #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #مالي #المغرب #Moçambique #موريتانيا #Mauritius #مكسيكو #Myanmar #नेपाल #नीजर #نيجيريا #عمان #پاکستان #فلسطين #بيرو #Philippines #قطر #رواندا #Argentina #SaintLucia #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines #Samoa #السعودية #Senegal #سيشيل #سيراليون #SolomonIslands #الصومال #جنوب_افريقيا #SouthSudan #سريلانكا #Cuba #السودان #Suriname #سوريا #Tanzania #ประเทศไทย #TimorLeste #Togo #Tonga #TrinidadAndTobago #تونس #تركيا #Uganda #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #Uruguay #Vanuatu #Venezuela #ViệtNam #اليمن #Zambia #Zimbabwe
Check the thread for more info.
#CCCamp2023 #acampar #privacidad #SoftwareLibre #SegInfo #CCCamp
#cccamp #seginfo #softwarelibre #privacidad #acampar #cccamp2023 #ai #openai #gpt #zimbabwe #zambia #اليمن #việtnam #venezuela #vanuatu #uruguay #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #uganda #تركيا #تونس #trinidadandtobago #tonga #togo #timorleste #ประเทศไทย #tanzania #سوريا #suriname #السودان #cuba #سريلانكا #southsudan #جنوب_افريقيا #الصومال #solomonislands #سيراليون #سيشيل #senegal #السعودية #samoa #SaintVincentandtheGrenadines #saintlucia #argentina #رواندا #قطر #philippines #بيرو #فلسطين #پاکستان #عمان #نيجيريا #नीजर #नेपाल #myanmar #مكسيكو #mauritius #موريتانيا #mocambique #المغرب #مالي #maldives #malaysia #malawi #مدغشقر #liberia #لبنان #کشورهای_جنوبی #الأردن #iraq #Indonesia #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #gambia #فيجي #ኢትዮጵያ #السلفادور #مصر #جيبوتي #colombia #កមពុជា #بنگلاديش #မြနမာ #ভারতমহাসাগর #ভারত #البحرين #ລາວ #ભારત #বাংলাদেশ #germany #cccamp23 #Chile #Brasil #chatgpt
So, according to #ChatGPT, this is "an alphabetically ordered list of space-separated hashtags of all countries in the Global South. Each country name written in the most-spoken language of said country", but I'm not too sure it's right. For starters, I'm missing #Brasil and #Chile from the list.
Anyway, I've likely got tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023) at -%20 if you're from any of these:
#বাংলাদেশ #ભારત #ລາວ #البحرين #ভারত #ভারতমহাসাগর #မြန်မာ #بنگلاديش #កម្ពុជា #Colombia #جيبوتي #مصر #السلفادور #ኢትዮጵያ #فيجي #Gambia #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Indonesia #Iraq #الأردن #کشورهای_جنوبی #لبنان #Liberia #مدغشقر #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #مالي #المغرب #Moçambique #موريتانيا #Mauritius #مكسيكو #Myanmar #नेपाल #नीजर #نيجيريا #عمان #پاکستان #فلسطين #بيرو #Philippines #قطر #رواندا #Argentina #SaintLucia #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines #Samoa #السعودية #Senegal #سيشيل #سيراليون #SolomonIslands #الصومال #جنوب_افريقيا #SouthSudan #سريلانكا #Cuba #السودان #Suriname #سوريا #Tanzania #ประเทศไทย #TimorLeste #Togo #Tonga #TrinidadAndTobago #تونس #تركيا #Uganda #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #Uruguay #Vanuatu #Venezuela #ViệtNam #اليمن #Zambia #Zimbabwe
Check the thread for more info.
#CCCamp2023 #acampar #privacidad #SoftwareLibre #Seginfo #CCCamp
#cccamp #seginfo #softwarelibre #privacidad #acampar #cccamp2023 #ai #openai #gpt #zimbabwe #zambia #اليمن #việtnam #venezuela #vanuatu #uruguay #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #uganda #تركيا #تونس #trinidadandtobago #tonga #togo #timorleste #ประเทศไทย #tanzania #سوريا #suriname #السودان #cuba #سريلانكا #southsudan #جنوب_افريقيا #الصومال #solomonislands #سيراليون #سيشيل #senegal #السعودية #samoa #SaintVincentandtheGrenadines #saintlucia #argentina #رواندا #قطر #philippines #بيرو #فلسطين #پاکستان #عمان #نيجيريا #नीजर #नेपाल #myanmar #مكسيكو #mauritius #موريتانيا #mocambique #المغرب #مالي #maldives #malaysia #malawi #مدغشقر #liberia #لبنان #کشورهای_جنوبی #الأردن #iraq #Indonesia #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #gambia #فيجي #ኢትዮጵያ #السلفادور #مصر #جيبوتي #colombia #កមពុជា #بنگلاديش #မြနမာ #ভারতমহাসাগর #ভারত #البحرين #ລາວ #ભારત #বাংলাদেশ #germany #cccamp23 #Chile #Brasil #chatgpt
// #SolomonIslands leader hits back at criticism of deepening security ties with #China : https://apnews.com/article/solomon-islands-china-united-states-48993476d38d40c816dd895e80868e3e
#timeline #apnews #repost #china #solomonislands
Solomon Islands PM returns from Beijing, calls Australia 'unneighbourly' - CNA
>Solomon Islands Prime Minister [..] returned to Honiara on Monday (Jul 17) after a week-long official visit to China, telling reporters Beijing would provide more budget support, and that criticism by Australia was "unneighbourly".
>Australia has historically been Solomon Islands' largest aid donor and security partner.
https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/solomon-islands-pm-returns-beijing-calls-australia-unneighbourly-3633891 #China #Australia #solomonislands
#solomonislands #Australia #China
🇸🇧 An #earthquake happened in #SanCristobal, #SolomonIslands 14mins ago at 3:45PM on 21/05/2023 UTC. The earthquake had a magnitude of M6.2 and it was 10km (6.21 miles) deep in the ground. Stay safe! #sismo #quake
Site Used: https://cutt.ly/5wqrrBYI
Information from EMSC.
#quake #sismo #solomonislands #sancristobal #earthquake
Volleyballers bag first-ever medal for Solomon Islands https://bit.ly/3LUqh11 #SolomonIslands
In Solomon Islands it costs '$9000 a month' to run an ice machine — welcome to the world's most expensive electricity https://bit.ly/3NoA4NU #SolomonIslands
Hello world! Follow us to see the latest news from the Pacific and around the globe. #WestPapua #PNG #SolomonIslands #Kanaky #Vanuatu #Fiji #NZ
#westpapua #png #solomonislands #Kanaky #Vanuatu #fiji #nz
Today the #DailyService achieved true simplicity - which is when broadcast religion is at its most effective (imo). Thank you to #RichardCarter & the #MelanesianBrothers of the #SolomonIslands.
#solomonislands #melanesianbrothers #richardcarter #dailyservice
Fantastic new paper on the phylogeography of Solomon Island blossom bats (Melonycteris and Nesonycteris) by Lavery et al: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jbi.14585?af=R
#solomonislands #islandbiogeography #pacific #bats
Learn about open-source tech and technologists from Solomon Islands: https://workdojos.com/Solomon-Islands (#opensource #solomonislands)
🟠 Submarine activity of the Kavachi #Volcano🌋, S of Vangunu Island, #SolomonIslands🇸🇧 14 February 2023 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ➡️ https://flic.kr/p/2ohg7u2 #RemoteSensing #OpenData #SciComm #Kavachi Image is about 16 kilometers wide
#volcano #solomonislands #Copernicus #sentinel #remotesensing #opendata #scicomm #kavachi
#iTHiNKLabs Episode 253🔴https://bit.ly/3K1p87i
This Week:
#Japan #Privacy #China #Tax #India #Security #Vietnam #SpyBalloon #Ukraine #Crypto #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #Telegram #Philippines #UFO #Australia #Sanctions #Indonesia #Drones #NewZealand #BlackMastodon #Satellite #PapuaNewGuinea #Space #Chile #Protesters #Canada #Activists #Guatemala #Diversity #Peru #Job #SolomonIslands #Career #Mexico #CyberSecurity #Russia #Antarctica #Alaska #Military #California @potus #HR #Taiwan #Business #USA
#ithinklabs #japan #privacy #china #tax #india #security #vietnam #spyballoon #ukraine #crypto #turkeysyriaearthquake #telegram #philippines #ufo #australia #sanctions #indonesia #drones #newzealand #blackmastodon #satellite #papuanewguinea #space #chile #protesters #canada #activists #guatemala #diversity #peru #job #solomonislands #career #mexico #cybersecurity #russia #antarctica #alaska #military #california #hr #taiwan #business #usa