Está hecho. Acabo de borrar la app del almizcle de mi teléfono.
Siguiendo el ejemplo de @scalzi , no voy a borrar mis cuentas. Pero ya no tengo acceso tan inmediato/automático.
#ExUser #GoodbyeBlueBird
#exuser #goodbyebluebird #solongandthanksforallthefish
@ben Delighted to find you on Mastodon! Your posts on Threads were one of the few reasons I hadn't completely given up on the platform. But now I basically have.
I can delete the Threads app and save myself a lot of wasted time. Hurray!
Maybe I'll dip back in there if they ever add ActivityPub support so I can port my followers and those I follow across to Mastodon. Maybe.
#threads #timesink #solongandthanksforallthefish
Thank you #NetFlix. Easiest decision I've had to make in a long time. #SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
#solongandthanksforallthefish #netflix
Happy Towel Day to those celebrating!
Douglas Adams, you are missed.
#towelday #solongandthanksforallthefish #hitchhikersguide
That's no illusion. On today of all days, we have discovered our more intelligent cohabitants have crafted a wonderful monument to themselves - perhaps as a last ditch attempt to communicate with us. If only we would listen....
#solongandthanksforallthefish #towelday
I wonder if the Dolphins on board the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D were some kind of Easter egg to Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy or So long and Thanks for all the fish?
Probably not, but my mind goes that direction every time I'm reminded there were dolphins on board.
#STTNG #Dolphin #HitchHikersGuideToTheGalaxy #THGTG #H2G2 #SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish #SLATFATF #TNG #StarTrek
#startrek #tng #slatfatf #solongandthanksforallthefish #h2g2 #thgtg #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #dolphin #sttng
Wir schauen heute »Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis«
Mein Handtuch liegt bereit…
#peranhalterdurchdiegalaxis #solongandthanksforallthefish
This song is forever stuck in my head
#music #HHGTTG #dontpanic #solongandthanksforallthefish
Wife: what have you been up to for the last 4 hours that me and the kids have been out the house?
Me: not much, just farted about on the computer....
#factorio #solongandthanksforallthefish
@setmeravelles You need to read at least the first three books, these are by far the best. #SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish and #MostlyHarmless have a different emotional texture to them and are well worth giving a try. Have you tried the original radio series the books were based on? They were a massive cultural phenomenon when they were broadcast, completely anarchic and groundbreaking. Well worth listening to.
#solongandthanksforallthefish #mostlyharmless
I feel like Jack Kevorkian. 😔🪦🦈
#FishTB #SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
#fishtb #solongandthanksforallthefish
With an hour to go finished 42 book read this year. The Hitchhiker fan in me felt that was a great number to end on.
#solongandthanksforallthefish #newyearseve
"And as he drove on, the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him, for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him, and to water him.”
― Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
#adamdouglas #monday #quotes #solongandthanksforallthefish
And as he drove on, the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him, for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him, and to water him.”
― Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
#adamdouglas #monday #quotes #solongandthanksforallthefish
upon hearing the news this morning that Elon Musk has reinstated Donald Trumps Twitter account, i made my last tweet and deactivated my account, now i will wait the 30 days and it will be deleted permanently, good bye Twitter, it was fun while it lasted.
#goodbyetwitter #solongandthanksforallthefish #musk #twitter #trump
#trump #twitter #musk #solongandthanksforallthefish #GoodByeTwitter
Twitter feels a little like Earth just before the Vogans destroys it. #SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish #RIPTwitter
#riptwitter #solongandthanksforallthefish
People of Twitter, your attention please. This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Fediverse Hyperspace Planning Council.
As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Fediverse require the building of a new federated hyperspace community through your socials, and regrettably your site is one of those scheduled for demolition.
The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes.
There's no point in acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning instance on Mastodon for eight of your Earth years, so you've had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint, and its far too late to start making a fuss about it now.
What do you mean you've never been to Mastodon? For heaven's sake its only four clicks away you know. I'm sorry but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that's your own problem.
Apathetic bloody users, I have no sympathy at all.
I've moved to a possibly more permanent home on the @Vivaldi instance. Thank you, @stux, for providing a decent landing place for so many bird-siters.
Back to level 16 for third (last) time in.
Time to take a break.
#solongandthanksforallthefish #ingress