As the Bible has foretold, only two more performances of "Citizen Brain" at The Marsh in Berkeley, on Aug. 19 & 26. But in a late-breaking miracle, the discount code EMPATHY will get you half-price ($12.50) tix through the end of the run. Info: #theater #soloshow #empathy #brain #democracy
#theater #soloshow #empathy #brain #democracy
I'm in Omaha performing at the Omaha Fringe Festival, so if you're in the area, check it out! Http:// #Shell #SoloShow #OmahaFringe2023 #TravelingPerformer #WhatDoesHomeMeanToYou #InteractivePerformance #FringeFestival
#shell #soloshow #omahafringe2023 #travelingperformer #whatdoeshomemeantoyou #interactiveperformance #fringefestival
Due to popular demand, my new solo show "Citizen Brain" at The Marsh in Berkeley has been extended through Aug. 26. I'm kvelling! Tix & info at #communism #comedy #theater #soloshow #newyork
#communism #comedy #theater #soloshow #newyork
This Sunday, July 23, at 5 p.m. I'll be doing a rare performance of my old show "Red Diaper Baby" to launch the Shotgun Players' Summer Salon series at the Ashby Stage in Berkeley. Use discount code ShotgunSummer for $5 off! Tix & info: #reddiaperbaby #communism #soloshow #comedy #theater
#reddiaperbaby #communism #soloshow #comedy #theater
Can there be too much of me? Don't answer that!!! ... As my run of "Citizen Brain" at The Marsh in Berkeley continues through July 29, I'll also be performing 4 *different* shows at the Ashby Stage in Berkeley from July 23 through Aug. 13, as part of the Shotgun Players' Summer Salon. And there's a $5 discount *through tomorrow, Thurs., July 6* with promo code SUMMERFUN. Tix & info at #theater #soloshow
You can use discount code TEMPORAL for $15 tix ($10 off) to my next two performances of "Citizen Brain" at The Marsh in Berkeley, on June 24 and July 1. Last weekend's sold-out opening-night show was a blast! Looking forward to a lovely run (through July 29), telling a tale of brain science, empathy revolution, and familial love. Tix & info at (Photo by Chris Hardy) #empathy #theater #soloshow #brain #science #democracy
#empathy #theater #soloshow #brain #science #democracy
My new solo piece, "Citizen Brain," opens this Saturday at The Marsh in Berkeley! The show is about how being a fellow at the Global Brain Health Institute helped me be useful to my mom and her husband, Frank, who was suffering from Alzheimer's - as well as try to be a better defender of our imperiled democracy. It's also about the struggle to feel empathy in these terrifying times. After three years of a pandemic-caused absence from the theater, it brings me such joy to be able to perform again for live audiences!! You can get half-price ($12.50) tickets to this Saturday's show with the code PREFRONTAL. Tix & info at (Photo by Chris Hardy.) #citizen #brain #theater #empathy #soloshow
#citizen #brain #theater #empathy #soloshow
Three years after COVID shut it down, my latest monologue, "Citizen Brain," is finally having its live theatrical premiere! I'll be at The Marsh in Berkeley on Saturdays at 5 p.m. from June 10 through July 29. Tix & info at Use code PREFRONTAL for half-price ($12.50) tickets to the June 10 and 17 performances. You can read all about the show in the latest post of my Substack newsletter, "But Not Enough About Me": #citizenbrain #soloshow #empathy #brain #democracy
#citizenbrain #soloshow #empathy #brain #democracy
3 😎 Things
#SupportLocal #Artists #Galleries #PlantSales #Nature 🖼️🌿
~ Frolic in the Forest #groupshow @ Sidestreet Arts, #FirstFriday #ArtWalk, 3/2-4/2
~ Pierce Conservation District #nativeplant sale, 3/4
~ Sheri Bakes #soloshow Wonderland Trail @ Foster White Gallery, 3/2-25
#pnw #or #portland #puyallup #seattle #supportlocal #artists #galleries #plantsales #nature #groupshow #firstfriday #artwalk #nativeplant #soloshow #weekendvibes #nwspaces
The page is now live for my solo show of drawings at Chappel Galleries in Essex.
19 beautifully framed drawings on the walls
4 - 26 Feb 👇
#essex #drawingexhibition #soloshow #charcoal #chappelgalleries
#chappelgalleries #charcoal #soloshow #drawingexhibition #essex
Watch the whole November 2022 show by going to the link below.
This is my autobiographical solo show all about transitioning male, during lockdown. Kind of a cross between theatre, and stand-up.
Show is suitable for ages 16+.
Content warnings: transphobia, ableism, gaslighting, mania/paranoia, sexual references, nudity.
#trans #UKTheatre #TransMan #Transmasc #Queer #Actor #Actors #FringeTheatre #Fringe #SoloShow
#trans #uktheatre #transman #transmasc #queer #actor #actors #fringetheatre #fringe #soloshow
DC metro area… I’m doing a performance of my solo show at The Kennedy Center this Thursday Dec 29! And it’s free! I recommend reserving tix in advance 🪩 #comedy #livecomedy #soloshow
Domed barbecue grill and cabin on the moon? Yes. Drying laundry in the vacuum of space? Yes.
I’m peddling art at this cafe so I come by to indulge in self-confidence-inducing reality checks once in a while. #mastoArt #surrealism #skateArt #soloShow #LunarLaundry #CreamCo #BainbridgeIsland #BlackbirdBakery
#mastoart #surrealism #skateart #soloshow #lunarlaundry #creamco #bainbridgeisland #blackbirdbakery
Dem #Feminismus auf der Spur #bildraum #soloshow
➡️In ihrer #Ausstellung #Woman in Green im Bildraum 07 setzt sich die Künstlerin #NikaKupyrova mit der Figur der Bildhauerin #HenriettaSavernake aus dem Roman The Hollow von Agatha Christie auseinander. Inspiriert vom klassischen Genre der Dokumentarfilme über Künstler:innen ebenso wie von ASMR-clips aus den social media ist Woman in Green eine Erkundung der Mythologisierung einer Künstler:innenfigur.
#esellorenzseidler #feminismus #bildraum #soloshow #ausstellung #woman #nikakupyrova #henriettasavernake
Heute ist der letzte Tag meiner Ausstellung "NO CARS GO" im Klimaschaufenster Erlangen. Ab 12 Uhr ist die Ausstellung geöffnet und ab 17 Uhr werde ich zur Finissage zu einem Künstlergespräch vor Ort sein. Ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen!
#nocarsgo #finissage #reclaimthestreets #animalsreclaimthestreets #animalutopia #klimaschaufenstererlangen #hartmutkiewert #soloshow
#soloshow #hartmutkiewert #KlimaschaufensterErlangen #animalutopia #animalsreclaimthestreets #reclaimthestreets #finissage #nocarsgo
Letzte Ausstellungsvorbereitungen. Heute 17 Uhr ist Eröffnung! Bis nachher!
#KlimaschaufensterErlangen #nocarsgo #artinerlangen #hartmutkiewert #soloshow #LesecafeErlangen #verkehrswende #veganpainting #multispeciesfutures #animalutopia
#animalutopia #multispeciesfutures #veganpainting #VerkehrsWende #LesecafeErlangen #soloshow #hartmutkiewert #artinerlangen #nocarsgo #KlimaschaufensterErlangen
Ausstellungsaufbau meiner Ausstellung NO CARS GO im Klimaschaufenster Erlangen. Morgen 17 Uhr ist Eröffnung! Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen!
#nocarsgo #ausstellungsaufbau #erlangen #KlimaschaufensterErlangen #hartmutkiewert #soloshow #animalutopia #verkehrswende #veganpainting #artinerlangen
#artinerlangen #veganpainting #VerkehrsWende #animalutopia #soloshow #hartmutkiewert #KlimaschaufensterErlangen #Erlangen #ausstellungsaufbau #nocarsgo
Save the date! Am 23. April, 17 Uhr wird im Klimaschaufenster Erlangen meine Ausstellung NO CARS GO eröffnet. Verkehrswende und Tierbefreiung zusammen denken. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen!
Organisiert ist die Ausstellung in Kooperation mit dem Lesecafe Erlangen, dem Umweltamt der Stadt Erlangen und dem Forum Tierrechte des Nachhaltigkeitsbeirats der Stadt Erlangen.
#nocarsgo #verkehrswende #animalutopia #multispeciesfutures #HartmutKiewert #soloshow #LesecafeErlangen #KlimaschaufensterErlangen
#KlimaschaufensterErlangen #LesecafeErlangen #soloshow #hartmutkiewert #multispeciesfutures #animalutopia #VerkehrsWende #nocarsgo
Die Austellung ist fertig aufgebaut. Eröffnung diesen Freitag, 19:30 Uhr. Hartmut Kiewert - ANIMAL UTOPIA, Stadtmuseum / Kleine Galerie Döbeln. #animalutopia #soloshow #hartmutkiewert #multispeciesfutures #veganpainting #döbeln
#döbeln #veganpainting #multispeciesfutures #hartmutkiewert #soloshow #animalutopia
Save the date! Am Freitag, den 25. März um 19:30 Uhr eröffnet meine Ausstellung ANIMAL UTOPIA im Stadtmuseum/Kleine Galerie Döbeln #animalutopia #döbeln #kleinegaleriedöbeln #hartmutkiewert #contemporarypainting #veganpainting #animalliberation #artindöbeln #multispeciesfutures #soloshow #exhibition
#exhibition #soloshow #multispeciesfutures #artindöbeln #animalliberation #veganpainting #contemporarypainting #hartmutkiewert #kleinegaleriedöbeln #döbeln #animalutopia