I will give a #SolsticeSchool talk on my research focus—theoretical ecohydrology.
Friday, August 4th at 13:00–13:15 UTC, online.
I will talk about #Braunschweig, mosquitoes, vegetation patterns, and future urban trees.
Sign up at
Quite looking forward to @bstacey's #SolsticeSchool presentation about qubits/quantum computing which is about to start!
#SolsticeSchool talk on Chinese poetry translation was a blast, and despite some technical problems our heroic moderator Ari went absolutely above and beyond to save the event and keep everything moving, from audio to recording. And what an amazing crowd, such great questions! 😍 All my gratitude to the organizers and audience who made this happen. This is my third year participating as a presenter and the experience is A++ for Awesome every time!
My notes for the talk are here for reference, and I will be updating it with some of the questions & comments I received. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WB_5sb03wDvgxNZf0sljCLYXEUttxysFpgjIG3-uafQ/edit?usp=drivesdk
I put together a Google Document for my soon-upcoming #SolsticeSchool talk "Translators, Traitors" about my #translation of classical Chinese #poetry into English verse: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WB_5sb03wDvgxNZf0sljCLYXEUttxysFpgjIG3-uafQ/edit?usp=sharing It's starting in 3.5 hours so... hey at least it's done ahead of time?
For those of you who signed up, I'll see you then! If you can't make it, you can enjoy the document and maybe catch the video/transcript later on.
#poetry #translation #solsticeschool
I put together a Google Document for my soon-upcoming #SolsticeSchool talk "Translators, Traitors" about my #translation of old Chinese poems into English verse: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WB_5sb03wDvgxNZf0sljCLYXEUttxysFpgjIG3-uafQ/edit?usp=sharing It's starting in 3.5 hours so... hey at least it's done ahead of time?
For those of you who signed up, I'll see you then! If you can't make it, you can enjoy the document and maybe catch the video/transcript later on.
.@tfardet's presentation uses cat graphics "because everything is better with cats", a solid choice
Oh damn I just realized I missed the #SolsticeSchool talk today I wanted to go to :(
I hope the recording will go up later.
Just went and signed up to be alerted for a bunch of #SolsticeSchool talks & put them on my calendar. Next week is going to be packed with fun talks, including my own on old Chinese poetry #translation on Saturday UST!
You can check out the 2023 programme and sign up for alerts here: https://solsticeschool.scholar.social/2023/programme/ Conversion between time zones also available on page.
Ok folks*, if next year I were going to present at #SolsticeSchool on like... I don't know "meet the ISBN and why it's messier than you think" what should I include?
*if this question made you twitch, you are "folks"
Friends, #SolsticeSchool starts next week! Talks and discussions from all around the fedi!!
The Great New York Blizzard of 1947 (and other temporary apocalypses) by @seanmunger
The allure of Tiny Utopias - miniatures and dioramas by @ckohtala
Rediscovering how to make traditional cel-based animation by @montag
Nutrient recovery from faeces, urine and biowaste by @tfardet
and much more, across pretty much all time zones
See the full list and register here: https://solsticeschool.scholar.social/2023/programme/
Well, I've put in a proposal for a #solsticeschool talk. Sacred sites, Aboriginal burning, vultures, turtles, community forests....
Submitted my #SolsticeSchool talk application... and now I suppose I have to prepare for it? :blob_sweats:
DANG the #SolsticeSchool line-up is looking good. I want to go to all of them!! Still deciding if I should do one of my own... plenty of slots remaining.
So many people around here are doing/making cool shit that I'd love to hear about at #SolsticeSchool
For the subject of my #SolsticeSchool talk:
How the Battle of the Red Cliffs 赤壁歌 repertoire of #pansori reflects the working class's cynical views toward "heroes" and sympathy toward the nameless fallen
Hanja #poetry #translation into English
#solsticeschool #Pansori #poetry #translation
LB: I've presented at #SolsticeSchool twice, it's a lovely way to make new pals all around the fedi
Oi gente, vamos participar do #solsticeschool ?
Vai ser de 7/24 a 8/05, inscrições para palestras até 7/4.
Este é o evento de ciências do Fediverso, que já está na sua quarta edição. Sao 15 dias de apresentações curtas, onlines, de todas as áreas, de biologia a arte, de história a tecnologia. Eu participei ano passado, e foi muito, muito bom.
Não precisa ter grau para apresentar, só muito amor; então vamos levantar a comunidade de divulgação científica daqui!