I like how my trees have evolved over the years.
#ChristmasTree #SolsticeTree
7/n We had a blast, safely, today. Everyone masked. #CRBoxes placed in rooms where we ate. No more than 7 people at one time. I continuously monitored #CO2; it varied between 500 and 800 throughout.
Our guests enjoyed going through our hundreds of #Ornaments collected over three decades. There are even some heirloom family ornaments from the #1960s.
This group is more recent, befitting a #Queer/#Gay household.
#CRboxes #co2 #ornaments #1960s #queer #christmastree #solsticetree
Finally got the last of the ornaments on the tree
#solsticetree #solstice #wintersolstice #vintageornaments #vintageglass
#solsticetree #solstice #wintersolstice #vintageornaments #vintageglass
Finally got the last of the ornaments on the tree
#solsticetree #solstice #wintersolstice #vintageornaments #vintageglass
#solsticetree #solstice #wintersolstice #vintageornaments #vintageglass
6/n #TreeTrimming Party underway. The Drag Queen Angel is in their rightful place, topping the tree.
#ChristmasTree #SolsticeTree
#treetrimming #christmastree #solsticetree
My husband and I have been preparing to (safely) host some close friends and immediate family for a #TreeTrimming party. It just struck me how, when we are working together on one of the tasks, it's similar to the #PairProgramming I used to enjoy before retiring from my day career.
#ChristmasTree #SolsticeTree
#treetrimming #pairprogramming #christmastree #solsticetree
5/n Even 600 lights wasn't enough. I had to add a third strand of 300 lights, for a total of 900. I'm pretty sure this is the most I've ever needed to light a tree to my satisfaction.
As I spend more time with it, I'll probably tweak some placement and even out the distribution. But I am very happy with the final results.
3/n This tree is big enough that I "needed" three layers of lights - core, inner branches, and outer branches - to get the effect I wanted.
Here it is after adding the first 300 lights, which partly filled in the middle branches. The second string of 300 lights is ready to be added on.
2/n I put the lights up on #ChristmasTree #SolsticeTree 2022 today.
I am particular about how the lights should look on the tree. Over decades, I've honed my technique.
I start by running lines of lights from the base to the top, as tight as I can against the trunk of the tree. This starts to create a glowing "core" to the tree.
Given the size of this tree, I ran four lines up and down the trunk.
Here's the first of 300 lights, against the trunk.
We bagged our #ChristmasTree #SolsticeTree and brought it home last Wednesday. It's maybe the biggest we've ever had. I had to step up on a chair to remove the plastic netting from the top.
Later this week I will get the lights on it. I hope I have enough!