#Somaliland #Kenya
Direttore Generale del Ministero del Turismo Abdirashid #Ibrahim: “Il Kenya-Somaliland Parliamentary Caucus è stato inaugurato questa settimana a Nairobi, in Kenya, con l'obiettivo di rafforzare i legami tra la Repubblica di Somaliland ed il Kenya.”
@kaia granted the way @AuswaertigesAmt defines "safe" is often weird, since I'd argue that #Cuba is safer than the #USA and that #Somaliland and #WesternSahara are safer than #Afghanistan.
I wished they were more granular in their recommendations in like a 0-10 scale between "suicidal, we won't be able to provide any consular support whatsoever" to "fun for the whole family and friends, even if you are a queer & plural polycule!"
#Afghanistan #westernsahara #somaliland #USA #Cuba
@mho I mean it would be different if they were like #Somaliland and couldn't afford to maintain a #Mastodon or other :activitypub: - compatible server...
But it's not not the case with #Germany...
and even then I'm shure any quality :mastodon: or similar server would offer to host them in the :fediverse: for a tiny fee...
#Germany #Mastodon #somaliland
@carbsrule_en @georgetakei Well, I'm not gonna tell my friends and mituals to just surrender themselves and instead of defending themselves against the facist scum that denies them their very right to exist, just let warlordism and violence get them flatlined.
The #USA are fundamentally broken - worse than #Somaliland since it's independence - and if it was my decision @TenaciousUnicornRanch would be eligible to CC DDs.
How the #Yemen war provided an unexpected boost to #Eritrea and #Somaliland - #UAE @yemen @uae
#yemen #eritrea #somaliland #uae
Foreign military bases in Africa.
Do you see your country if include these countries?
For me, yes, but isn't part of African foreign bases in military.
Lastly, what are you understanding it? Please, let share us your feedback.
#Somaliland ❤️🤍💚
#ClimateDiary like others here - @JustSaba and @shrinkthinks 😊 - i listen to a lot of podcasts during housework these days. Just now, folding clothes, it was great to learn about #SeawaterGreenhouses in #Somaliland - energy efficient cooling greenhouses that can help hot countries grow fresh vegetables #HornOfAfrica #Drought #ClimateAction also struck me as pretty #SolarPunk!
#ClimateDiary #seawatergreenhouses #somaliland #HornofAfrica #drought #ClimateAction #solarpunk
#Somaliland #Taiwan
Le due parti hanno raggiunto un accordo in merito alla predisposizione di un piano per sviluppare le capacità dei giovani somalilandesi nella ricerca e lo sfruttamento di olio, gas e minerali.
Le autorità taiwanesi hanno rimarcato l’importanza strategica del Somaliland, data dalla sua posizione geografica sulle linee commerciali che collegano il Mar Mediterraneo all’Oceano Indiano.
#Somaliland #Taiwan
Rappresentanti del Ministero degli Affari Economici taiwanese hanno incontrato rappresentanti del Ministero dell’Energia del Somaliland, in Hargeisa, al fine di discutere la definizione di progetti comuni in materia di produzione di gas, olio e minerali.
This was an insightful long read about clan politics and contested visions of independence for £
#Somaliland, by Markus Virgil Hoehne #africanpolitics https://africanarguments.org/2023/02/crisis-in-lasanod-insecurity-border-disputes-and-the-future-of-somaliland/
Very lucky students at #nyuabudhabi. #nyuadartscenter’s #BarzakhFestival brought four bands and today alone we had 4 class visits, a panel discussion about tradition and contemporary practice and a dinner with all the artists for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Thanks to #CGS #ADG7 #SahraHalgan and #Lemma plus all the faculty and students
#WorldmMusic #festivals #algeria #korea #somaliland #italy #pizzica #trance #music #BorderCrossing #AbuDhabi #uae #highered
#nyuabudhabi #nyuadartscenter #barzakhfestival #cgs #adg7 #sahrahalgan #lemma #worldmmusic #festivals #algeria #korea #somaliland #italy #pizzica #trance #music #bordercrossing #abudhabi #uae #highered
@Bangladesh @MagicLike @stux @calculsoberic @Bundesregierung not every government may have the budget and/or resources to do so.
For example, #WesternSahara or #Somaliland may be in that league...
New missions in Djibouti, Indonesia (Jakarta), and #Somaliland will the first for Kenya in the respective countries, according to Foreign Affairs ministry data.
~Business Daily:
Somaliland’s frankincense brings gold to companies. Its women pay the price https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/07/somaliland-frankincense-female-workers-exploited-abuse #Rapeandsexualassault #Somaliland #Worldnews #Business #Africa #Health #USnews
#usnews #health #africa #business #worldnews #somaliland #rapeandsexualassault
Geopolitics of #oil: the gov't of #Somalia says that a UK company wasn't acting legally when it signed a deal with officials in #Somaliland to explore for oil #africanpolitics https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/tea/business/somalia-rejects-genel-energy-claim-to-oil-permits-somaliland-4070698
#africanpolitics #somaliland #somalia #oil
Somaliland Gold Rush Vexes Frankincense, Myrrh
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-64162379 via BBC
Photo: Getty via BBC
#somaliland #Somalia #Gold #goldrush #frankincense #myrrh
"The three kings of the biblical nativity carried three precious gifts to mark the birth of Jesus - but a modern-day gold rush in Somaliland is putting the ancient perfume trade in frankincense and myrrh at risk"
The Somali #gold rush endangering #frankincense and #myrrh
#somaliland #Environment #myrrh #frankincense #gold
Having myself experienced dangerous situations for #Investigative stories, I commend #ViceNews reporter #HindHassan & her team. A must watch if you care about #humanrights, #fairtrade the #wellbeing of #trees and our #planet. “Inside the #wellness industry’s controversial supply chains.” 👉🏼https://youtu.be/5wEJvx_L0Ok #frankincense #Somaliland #UnitedStates #Doterra #essentialoils #exploitation
#investigative #vicenews #hindhassan #humanrights #fairtrade #wellbeing #trees #planet #wellness #frankincense #somaliland #unitedstates #doterra #essentialoils #exploitation
Having myself experienced dangerous situations for #Investigative stories, I commend #ViceNews reporter #HindHassan & her team. A must watch if you care about #humanrights, #fairtrade the #wellbeing of #trees and our #planet. “Inside the #wellness industry’s controversial supply chains.” 👉🏼https://youtu.be/5wEJvx_L0Ok #frankincense #Somaliland #UnitedStates #Doterra #essentialoils #exploitation
#investigative #vicenews #hindhassan #humanrights #fairtrade #wellbeing #trees #planet #wellness #frankincense #somaliland #unitedstates #doterra #essentialoils #exploitation