One paragraph can raise a lot of questions… “The main difference between the architects of the past and those of today is in diversity. Not necessarily in terms of gender, sexual preference or ethnic background - though in the past this form of diversity was certainly lacking. The key difference between now and the most distant past lies in the variety of social and educational backgrounds of architects, and a significant reduction in types and scope of practice.” #SoManyQuestions
We Tried Vertu’s ‘Web3’ Phone. It Scared Us - The luxury phone maker refuses to die. We tested its new Metavertu handset and were led d... - #gear/gearnewsandevents #somanyquestions #gear
Wired: We Tried Vertu’s ‘Web3’ Phone. It Scared Us #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/GearNewsandEvents #SoManyQuestions #virtualreality #smartphones #phones #Gear #Web3 #gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #somanyquestions #VirtualReality #smartphones #phones #web3
#SoManyQuestions about why we are not #Destroying the #ChinaSpyBalloons
If it were #MyDecision
I would #Destroy the #China #SpyBalloons
#spyballoons #china #destroy #mydecision #chinaspyballoons #destroying #somanyquestions
"#katanas are the #croissants of #swords"
So many #questions about this one.
* Because they are curved?
* Light and airy?
* Do they #feelFrench to you?
* So, there's a #chocolate variety that's#toDieFor?
* Are they mostly just for breakfast.. or brunch.. or snacktime?
#questions #katanas #croissants #swords #feelfrench #chocolate #somanyquestions
@blouzouga Antonomase de Gnafron, le perso du guignol lyonnais, sans doute ?
Je note le petit réchaud, pour chauffe la colle ou le cirage ? #somanyquestions #histtech
@misswired It doesn't look like it will hold many jugs of beer. Where are you going to attach the taps? Is this a bar for ants? #SoManyQuestions #LooksGreatBTW
#somanyquestions #looksgreatbtw
Is the turkey trot a US thing? Do Canadians do this? Do other countries pre-game their holiday feasts with 5k runs? If not, I highly recommend.
#turkeytrot #franklinpark #boston #somanyquestions
@cms I mean it HAS to be probabilistic... "two to beam up" in a party of 6..... also they can beam from anywhere to anywhere but they keep using the transporter pads, and there's not ALWAYS someone at the controls.
Is "directly to sickbay" *via* the pads? #SoManyQuestions
I've seen a number of accounts on here with blue ticks next to their name. What's that about?
I thought I'd left all that behind in the "other place"?
#newbie #somanyquestions #askmastodon #BlueTick
📷 Hey, fellow artist, what do your certificates of Authenticity look like, can I see them? #somanyquestions #certificateofauthenticity
#certificateofauthenticity #somanyquestions
Hey, fellow artist, what do your certificates of Authenticity look like, can I see them? #somanyquestions #certificateofauthenticity
#certificateofauthenticity #somanyquestions