Media Japan · @media
6 followers · 861 posts · Server
Lewis Hine · @LewisHine
2 followers · 1 posts · Server

All these boys are cutters in ., Factory ##7. Ages range from #7 to #12. They live near the factory. boy in front, , has a badly cut finger, but helps his brother regularly. Behind him is his brother, , . He cut his finger off while working. They and many other youngsters said they were always cutting their fingers. See photo ##2435 and label.) earns $#1.00 , $#.75 usually. Some of the others said they earn $#1.00 when they work . At times they start at #7 A.M. Work , and until , but the work is very irregular. Names of those in the photo are Mathews, , , .), , . Location: , .


#theseacoastcanningco #sevenyearold #byronhamilton #george #11years #half #somedays #allday #midnight #johnnyrust #johnsurles #fulsommccutchin #11yrs #albertrobinson #morrismcconnell #eastport #maine #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor

Last updated 1 year ago

ZANitebug · @ZANitebug
54 followers · 449 posts · Server

, life just isn't great. Things look bleak, the light is dim, and the options invisible. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Just remember, 1: tomorrow is a new day, hopefully a different and brighter one; 2: even the strongest of us need to sit and rest once in awhile; 3: we have more people rooting for us than we realize; 4: the light will be even sweeter upon return after the darkness; and 5: things look better after a good night's sleep.

#somedays #notestomyself

Last updated 2 years ago

PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
3 followers · 566 posts · Server


... There are when I just there was on ...


🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🚁🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🚁

#tobehonest #somedays #wish #somethinggood #thetelly #speakingofwhich

Last updated 2 years ago

Tamster ♚ · @tamster
12 followers · 52 posts · Server

The point is, it's totally ok to feel like that some days.
It's totally ok to struggle some days.
You don't have to be on top of the world everyday.
You don't have to love yourself every day.

If needed, take a day off, being perfect you. Just relax, let it be 37 attempts. Who cares?
And tomorrow you just try again.

Try again finding and believing in your own beauty. Just never stop trying.
Relax, pause, but never stop trying completely! 2/2

# InnerMe

#beauty #somedays #struggle

Last updated 2 years ago

Tamster ♚ · @tamster
12 followers · 53 posts · Server

So I went to the first christmaspyrty of the year yesterday. While thinking about wearing a Santa hat I thought it would be greta to take some pictures.

It took 37 attempts until my inner critic was at least satisfied on a minor level. 37!

Yes, I know all the important mind sets about loving myself, inner beauty, blah blah. Yes I am proud of myself. I like myself. And some days I really believe all of that.

But yesterday wasn't one of those days. 1/2

#innerme #beauty #somedays #struggle

Last updated 2 years ago