An animal's right to life should always be more important than our "choice" to take that life from them.
#Vegan #Kindness
#someonenotsomething #vegan #kindness
At the very least I can remind people that there was a victim with "their choice" to eat animal flesh.
#GroceryStoreActivism #GoVegan
#someonenotsomething #friendsnotfood #grocerystoreactivism #govegan
Visit a farmed animal sanctuary near you.
Seeing animals that have been given a second chance may inspire you to see them as individuals instead of wrapped body parts.
#AnimalRescue #Sanctuary #SomeoneNotSomething​ #veganism
#AnimalRescue #Sanctuary #someonenotsomething #veganism
Visit a farmed animal sanctuary near you.
Seeing animals that have been given a second chance may inspire you to see them as individuals instead of wrapped body parts.
#AnimalRescue #Sanctuary #SomeoneNotSomething
#AnimalRescue #Sanctuary #someonenotsomething
Buying animal products pays for the machine that breeds someone into existence that will never be seen or respected as an individual.
#Chicken #AnimalRights #SomeoneNotSomething #Vegan
#chicken #animalrights #someonenotsomething #vegan
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
#compassion #chickens #friends #vegan #someonenotsomething
#compassion #chickens #friends #vegan #someonenotsomething
If it was you in the knock box you would want someone to speak up for you.
#someonenotsomething #slaughterhouse #friendsnotfood
#someonenotsomething #slaughterhouse #friendsnotfood
I could not save you but I'm trying.
I'm here to bear witness to your suffering and to tell others.
I refuse to have your senseless unnecessary death be forgotten.
You were an individual with thoughts and feelings.
You were someone who mattered.
#someonenotsomething #friendsnotfood #bethechange #vegan
#someonenotsomething #friendsnotfood #bethechange #vegan
We will always have an internal
struggle, when we consume #animals
that struggle to live.