@BenGleason Recording of the 2 hour 8/15 #SomervilleArmory community meeting posted to youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCWSJH8gcfQ
#somervillearmory #somerville #SomervilleMA
Here in #SomervilleMA the city government "supports the arts" by kicking out the artists and leaving their space in limbo. Good job, Somerville government! I had hoped the new mayor might help fix this fiasco, but that seems low on the list of priorities. #SomervilleArmory #SomervileArts
Arts at the Armory leadership issues open letter, circulates petition and prepares for August 15 community meeting
#somervillema #somervillearmory #somervilearts
this weekend #SomervilleMA #DavisSquare - @comicazi@twitter.com's annual #LadiesCon of #Massachusetts #comics creators - at the #SomervilleArmory in #SpringHill - Saturday - 11-5p - free - featuring @ericafails@twitter.com, @mingdoyle@twitter.com, Mad_Rupert@twitter.com et al #boston
#SomervilleMA #davissquare #ladiescon #massachusetts #comics #somervillearmory #springhill #boston