TIL that Muriel St Claire Byrne, editor of the Lisle letters, was also a graduate of Somerville College Oxford (my alma mater) in this nice piece by How To History
#Tudor #LisleLetters #EarlyModern #EarlyModon #SomervilleCollege #HowToHistory
#Tudor #lisleletters #earlymodern #earlymodon #somervillecollege #howtohistory
A fantastic poster for what looks like an amazing exhibition on Renaissance heraldry in France. (Though I won't be flying half way round the world to see it in person!)
Very curious as to what the artifact is, though. Doesn't seem to be a clock or calendar as the dial goes up to 18.
There also seems to be a mistake in the Latin, it should be "orbem" surely, not "orben".
This motto (donec totum impleat orbem) is very similar to that of my alma mater, Somerville College (donec rursus impleat orbem)
#heraldry #héraldique #EarlyModern #EarlyModon #Exhibition #GLAM #Latin #motto #SomervilleCollege
#heraldry #heraldique #earlymodern #earlymodon #exhibition #glam #latin #motto #somervillecollege