- The Wal-Mart was strangely deserted last time I went there. It was early in the day, perhaps around 7 AM. I saw a man there who had deep red burns all over his face. Like a bad sunburn, only worse. I tried to ask him a question, without being nosy about his injury. All that he mentioned was that he was working for a distributor, not a Wal-Mart employee. I live in #easternwashington. #somethings (4/4)
#easternwashington #somethings
- I saw a large bird (probably a crow or a hawk) try to take off in flight from the tree across the street from me. The bird seemed to have some difficulty getting aloft. It sort of stumbled in midair. This wasn't yesterday. It was two or three days ago. #somethings (3/4)
- I got a sunburn on my chest, which was fully covered with a T-shirt, while sitting outside yesterday for about an hour. I had sunscreen on face and limbs. I was surprised that I got a burn through my shirt.
#somethings (2/4)
These are some things I have observed in the past few days. I am not sharing them anywhere else online, because I think people would either believe I was crazy or be scared out of their minds themselves. #somethings (1/4)