The longest word you can type using only the letters on one row of an English typewriter, is "typewriter".
When your car puts a red warning up to tell you you need petrol, but you know you can go another 20, 30 miles on what's in the tank...
are you being...
gas light-ed?
In honour of the USA civics test I took yesterday, did you know there's a basketball court on the 5th floor of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C.?
Makes answering "what is the highest court in the land" a tricky question.
Never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow.
There is a beach in New Zealand named "Ninety Mile Beach".
It's a very long beach.
Fifty-five miles long, to be exact.
The precise origin of culinary rhubarb is unknown.
If you took all the mosquitoes in the world and put them in one place, that place would apparently be outside my back door.
Try to lick your elbow.
You once held the record, albeit briefly, for "youngest person on the planet".
Some cats are allergic to people.
The word "SWIMS" is still "SWIMS" if you turn your phone upside down.
@sourdust technically as all atoms are 99.999% empty space, we're never truly touching the ball.
There are not one but two cash machines in Antarctica.
qu'est ce que c'est?
Je ne sais
The rock is one, but the stones are many.
Wait, that's not right.
The Rock is one, but the Stones are many.
Commercial air travel predates commercial sliced bread.
The dot above a lower case j or i is called a "tittle", and is centred directly above the letter in question.
According to some sources, this is the origin of the expression, "tittle tittle in the middle".
If you took all my arteries, veins, capillaries, stretched them out and laid them out end to end, I'd be dead.
A dozen, a gross, and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus five times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more.