#Fantasia2023 review of #SometimesIThinkAboutDying directed by Rachel Lambert
#sometimesithinkaboutdying #fantasia2023
New from Solzy at the Movies: Sometimes I Think About Dying – Sundance 2023
#film #movies #Sundance #SometimesIThinkAboutDying
#sometimesithinkaboutdying #sundance #Movies #Film
#SometimesIThinkAboutDying: always great when a movie includes @megstalter! Marcia DeBonis steals the movie as Carol with a great monologue towards the end. Dave Merheje is fantastic too as is Daisy Ridley! A story about a lonely person standing in their own way…
Now watching: Daisy Ridley in #SometimesIThinkAboutDying at #Sundance2023
#sometimesithinkaboutdying #sundance2023
ICYMI: #SometimesIThinkAboutDying tells an unconventional tale about love, companionship, and learning to feel comfortable in your own skin.
#sundance #sometimesithinkaboutdying
#SometimesIThinkAboutDying tells an unconventional tale about love, companionship, and learning to feel comfortable in your own skin.
#sundance #sometimesithinkaboutdying
Tonight I watched #SometimesIThinkAboutDying starring Daisy Ridley in a role that is completely the opposite of Rey. Glad to see her play a part where she can stretch her acting skills. There were scenes in this film that reminded me of myself and I’m not sure if extroverts (generally speaking) would get this film. A good, solid movie about trying to make connections. #Sundance
#sometimesithinkaboutdying #sundance
#Sundance2023 | #SometimesIThinkAboutDying utiliza el sentido del humor para hablarnos de la soledad y la incomunicación social a través de una mujer con tendencias suicidas que inicia una relación con un compañero de trabajo.
Crítica de @danielfarriol:
#sundance2023 #sometimesithinkaboutdying
#sundance #DaisyRidley great work in #SometimesIThinkAboutDying also beautiful film about #littlerichard
#sundance #daisyridley #sometimesithinkaboutdying #littlerichard