Der Küchenphilosoph in mir ist besonders stolz auf die Folgen „Allgemeinwissen“ und „Stuckrad-Barre“. Da kommen richtig deepe Gedanken auf! Der Rest wie immer herrlich unterhaltsam! I love it!❤️
#jantobiundlars #podcast #podcasting #podcastdeutsch #allgemeinwissen #Allgemeinbildung #SongQuiz #stuckradbarre #nochwach #doepfner #depechemode #somewhereovertherainbow #rainbow #regenbogen
#jantobiundlars #podcast #podcasting #podcastdeutsch #Allgemeinwissen #allgemeinbildung #Songquiz #stuckradbarre #nochwach #doepfner #depechemode #somewhereovertherainbow #rainbow #regenbogen
Watch "OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole" on YouTube
#somewhereovertherainbow #isaelkamakawiwoole #music
A #SongOfTheDay I posted recently, in response to someone's AI art: #Iz singing #SomewhereOverTheRainbow #WhatAWonderfulWorld
Because somewhere over the 🌈 is your #plane. And your #flightCrew. And #goodFlyingWeather.
Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World
#songsormoviesstrandedatairport #songoftheday #iz #somewhereovertherainbow #whatawonderfulworld #plane #flightcrew #goodflyingweather
His is one of the best renditions of #SomewhereOverTheRainbow ever.
#somewhereovertherainbow #songoftheday #iz #izsings
I was around 5 yrs old the 1st time I saw #TheWizardOfOz , sitting at my Father's feet. The witch frightened me, so my Father reached down & caressed my head. 60 yrs have passed, and I'll never forget that caress. #Dad #daughters #Forever #SomewhereOverTheRainbow #JudyGarland
The Wizard Of Oz - Someway Over The Rainbow (Colorized)
#thewizardofoz #dad #daughters #forever #somewhereovertherainbow #judygarland
#TopTen iconic tunes from the #OldeyTimes (in no particular order)
#INeedYourLovin - NRG
#PeaceAndLoveism - Sonz of a Loop Da Loop Era
#SomewhereOverTheRainbow - Marusha
#BackAgain - Run Tings
#IBelieve - D'Cruze
#GuiltyOfSeduction - Loopzone
#OptionToDie - Tellurian
#BloodOfAnEnglishMuffin - English Muffin (Lenny Dee)
#EverybodyThatsInThePlace - Prodigy
#HalcyonAndOn - Orbital
#topten #oldeytimes #ineedyourlovin #peaceandloveism #somewhereovertherainbow #backagain #ibelieve #guiltyofseduction #optiontodie #bloodofanenglishmuffin #everybodythatsintheplace #halcyonandon #dnb #hardcore #gabber #trance
Some happy music, to hopefully make your day better, even for a few moments. No matter how bad things get, we can still choose to focus on being positive. #HappyMusic #SomewhereovertheRainbow #positivity
Somewhere over the Rainbow
#HappyMusic #somewhereovertherainbow #positivity