đ€Ą #GermanClowns đ€Ą
Die ganze Welt ist ein Zirkus ...
#identitetris #egomania #rollenspiel #roleplay #itagame #games #game #somuchfun #almans
#imagination #coronation #escapethepattern #momo #stopactinglikeadults
#gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #metaphysik #philisophie #psychonaut #liebe #glĂŒck #gluech #extase #ekstase #sex #fnord #snafu #chaos #eris
#fridaydisco #ElefantenkÀfig #VogelkÀfig #kreuzjesus #Politik #Gesellschaft #Kapitalismus
#Clowns #heartbeats #idiocrazy #AntichristJesus
#bullshitjobs #generalstreik #generalstrike #nowork #donothing #endcapitalism #emanzipation #occupy #love
#fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #stopactinglikeadults #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #stopdoomscrolling #LeaveNoOneBehind
#donothing #generalstrike #fuckwork #fuckthem #justbe #dopamin #followyourbliss #gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #lösungen
#germanclowns #fridaydisco #elefantenkafig #vogelkafig #kreuzjesus #politik #Gesellschaft #kapitalismus #clowns #heartbeats #Idiocrazy #antichristjesus #identitetris #egomania #rollenspiel #roleplay #itagame #games #game #somuchfun #almans #imagination #Coronation #escapethepattern #momo #stopactinglikeadults #Gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #fnord #snafu #Chaos #eris #bullshitjobs #generalstreik #generalstrike #nowork #donothing #endcapitalism #emanzipation #occupy #love #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #stopdoomscrolling #leavenoonebehind #fuckwork #fuckthem #justbe #Dopamin #losungen #metaphysik #philisophie #psychonaut #liebe #gluck #gluech #extase #ekstase #sex
Geschichten, die wir uns erzÀhlen.
Der Staat ist nur eine Geschichte, die wir uns erzÀhlen.
Der Urknall ist eine Geschichte, die wir uns erzÀhlt haben.
Materie ist nicht fundamental.
#metaphysik #unrealengine #identitetris #belltheorem #somuchfun #simulation #simumationtheory #nobody #bedifferent #thinkdifferent #doppelspalt
#metaphysik #unrealengine #identitetris #belltheorem #somuchfun #simulation #simumationtheory #nobody #bedifferent #ThinkDifferent #Doppelspalt
Balloon-shaped; small-car-shaped; and now cylindrical-shaped UFOsđž #somuchfun
I'm turning 43 soon & am hosting a sleepover with my bestest bitches (that live close enough to attend).
Spousal Unit & spawn will be out of the house.
My gal pals & I are watching movies, doing mani/pedis, face masks/facials, and eating whatever snacky shit we want. I'm getting a restaurant size cheesecake.
Don't mind me, just living my best life. đ
#mybirthdaysoon #sleepover #galpals #somuchfun #cantwait #cheesecake #43
#cheesecake #cantwait #somuchfun #galpals #sleepover #mybirthdaysoon
Gunna Catching Heat From Pears for Taking RICO Plea Deal | https://www.theroot.com/gunna-catching-heat-from-pears-for-taking-rico-plea-dea-1850020379 #entertainment2cculture #draft3ayslrecords #yslrecords #somuchfun #meekmill #lilbaby #lildurk #alford #albums #gunna #crips #mondo #thug #dy #a
#entertainment2cculture #draft3ayslrecords #yslrecords #somuchfun #meekmill #lilbaby #lildurk #alford #albums #gunna #crips #mondo #thug #dy #a
Atlanta Rapper Gunna Is Headed Home | https://www.theroot.com/atlanta-rapper-gunna-is-headed-home-1849894897 #entertainment2cculture #draft3ayslrecords #slimelanguage #alfordplea #law2ccrime #youngthug #musicians #somuchfun #alford #albums #gunna #plea #ysl #dy #a
#entertainment2cculture #draft3ayslrecords #slimelanguage #alfordplea #law2ccrime #youngthug #musicians #somuchfun #alford #albums #gunna #plea #ysl #dy #a
Rapper Roddy Ricch Hit With Lawsuit Over Smash Hit âThe Boxâ | https://www.theroot.com/rapper-roddy-ricch-hit-with-lawsuit-over-smash-hit-the-1849865312 #thegovernore28099sballmusicfestival #entertainment2cculture #feedthastreetsiii #fuckcompton #roddyricch #gregperry #somuchfun #hiphop #albums #songs #crips #tmz
#thegovernore28099sballmusicfestival #entertainment2cculture #feedthastreetsiii #fuckcompton #roddyricch #gregperry #somuchfun #hiphop #albums #songs #crips #tmz
Mixed results in this installment of election eve Terraoke. SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE was a solid selection, but I started too strong on and lost my breath control on PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC. This white boy did not represent. #SoMuchFun #TogetherWeWin #MusicIsLife
#somuchfun #togetherwewin #musicislife
Irgendwelche Tips, wenn die Browser per Ubuntu plötzlich Webex verweigern? #SoMuchFun