"Lassen Sie die Pizza 11-13 Minuten für ein luftiges Ergebnis und 13-15 Minuten für ein knuspriges Ergebnis..."
Also da hat einer nicht auf #Sonar gehört. Was ist denn jetzt bei 13 Minuten? Luftig oder knusprig? Was ist unter 11 Minuten oder über 15 Minuten?
Außerdem fehlt eindeutig das Exception-Handling. Hat das überhaupt jemand getestet? So kann das nicht in den Rollout. Wer hat denn da Code-Review gemacht? Der gehört gefeuert.
#sonar #softwaredevelopment #pizza #dokumentation #softwarentwicklung
7% 25% Of The Ocean Floor Mapped From 2017 (Seabed 2030)
https://seabed2030.org/ <-- @Seabed2030 web site
H/T Dennis Haines
“🗺 Did you know that in 2017, only 6% of the world’s seafloor had been mapped to modern standards? Considering the ocean spans some 70% of the Earth’s surface, that’s a significant gap!
But over the past five years since Seabed 2030 launched, we’ve been able to map almost 25% of the ocean floor.
By discovering more about the seabed, we gain a greater understanding of our environment and can ensure its protection. After all, we can’t protect what we don’t know…”
#seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial
#GIS #spatial #mapping #seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial #ocean #marine #bathymetry #topobathy #remotesensing #sonar #satellite #charts #navigation #oceanmapping #seafloor #Seabed2030 #oceanfloor #oceanconservation #environment #oceanography #marineenvironment #marineconservation #gischat
#seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial #gis #spatial #mapping #ocean #marine #bathymetry #topobathy #remotesensing #sonar #satellite #charts #navigation #oceanmapping #seafloor #oceanfloor #OceanConservation #Environment #oceanography #marineenvironment #marineconservation #gischat
Mapping the Depths with an Autonomous Solar Boat - Ever look out at a pond, stream, or river, and wonder how deep it is? For large bo... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/23/mapping-the-depths-with-an-autonomous-solar-boat/ #autonomousboat #depthmapping #robotshacks #greenhacks #gpshacks #solar #sonar
#sonar #solar #gpshacks #greenhacks #robotshacks #depthmapping #autonomousboat
New #review today: "Three Movements marks #Sonar’s return to form, three movements of a longer conceptual piece; think of it like a symphony of odd-meter syncopated grooves and improvised textures. Along with the four regular members of Sonar, we have #DavidTorn on guitar and live looping and #JPeterSchwalm on electronics..." #ExposeOnline #StaphanThelen #MathRock http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/sonar-with-david-torn-and-j-peter-schwalm-three-movements-3.html
#mathrock #staphanthelen #exposeonline #jpeterschwalm #davidtorn #sonar #review
Skeptoid #236: Whales and Sonar by Brian Dunning #whales #sonar #environmentalism #oceanography #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Navy sonar is claimed to be lethal to whales, but the latest research tells a very different story.
#whales #sonar #environmentalism #oceanography #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
¡Descubre la #magia de los muñecos de La #Capi y #Zork! Estos encantadores personajes cobran vida en tus manos y te transportarán a un mundo de aventuras sin límites. ¡Colecciónalos y vive #emocionantes #historias junto a ellos! Ya sea que busques la valentía de La Capi o la magia de Zork, estos #muñecos son el compañero perfecto para jugar, #soñar y #divertirte sin parar. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de tener a La Capi y Zork a tu lado!
#magia #capi #zork #emocionantes #historias #munecos #sonar #divertirte
Ars Technica: Why is finding something at the bottom of the ocean so difficult? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1949670 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #submersibles #deepocean #Science #Titanic #sonar
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #submersibles #deepocean #science #titanic #sonar
#Titan #Titanic #Physik #Tauchboot#Echolot
Wieso kommuniziert
#UBoot unter Wasser
nicht über
#Funkwellen ? ...Tja ...
Die Antwort darauf könnte Betroffene verunsichern... 😱
#titan #titanic #Physik #tauchboot #sonar #uboot #funkwellen
Titanic sub: Rescuers intensify search as oxygen dwindles
#Titanic #deepsea #rescue #atlanticocean #submersible #submarine #search #sonar #tourism #Navy #pressure #oceanfloor
#oceanfloor #pressure #navy #tourism #sonar #search #submarine #submersible #atlanticocean #rescue #deepsea #titanic
#Sottomarino disperso, i #sonar captano rumore di ‘colpi’
#titanicsubmarine #titansubmarine #cronaca #esteri #tfnews #21giugno #OceanoAtlantico #news #submarinemissing
#sottomarino #sonar #titanicsubmarine #titansubmarine #cronaca #esteri #tfnews #21giugno #OceanoAtlantico #news #submarinemissing
How little we know of the terrain at the bottom of the sea. #seafloor #bathymetry #soundings #submersible #titanic #sonar #geology #visualpoem #map #ocean
https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/2/63 museumzero.art
#seafloor #bathymetry #soundings #submersible #titanic #sonar #geology #visualpoem #map #ocean
Wired: How to Find the Titanic Sub Before It’s Too Late https://www.wired.com/story/find-missing-titanic-sub/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Science/Environment #SearchandRescue #ShipsandSubs #Science #oceans #sonar
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #science #searchandrescue #shipsandsubs #oceans #sonar
Using Sonar To Measure Traffic Speeds - One of the most common ways of measuring the speed of a vehicle is by using radar,... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/19/using-sonar-to-measure-traffic-speeds/ #timecorrelation #microphone #carhacks #vehicle #radar #sonar #sound #speed
#speed #sound #sonar #radar #vehicle #carhacks #microphone #timecorrelation
Buenísimos días, el #verano queda inaugurado después del último exámen, 😅 prohibido no disfrutarlo!
Aunque hayan bajado un poco las interacciones y los debates en #Mastodon, debemos seguir en la línea de los contenidos y argumentos de calidad para seguir con el desarrollo de la #instancia.
¡Ánimo para el principio de verano! y comenzar con las mejores sensaciones #disfrutar #sentir #soñar #amar #leer #hacer …
#verano #mastodon #instancia #disfrutar #sentir #sonar #amar #leer #hacer
Exploran la historia musical de los 30 años de #Sónar a través de #ChatGPT.
Investigadores del Centro Nacional de Supercomputación abren la caja negra de la inteligencia artificial para entender mejor cómo funciona. El proyecto analiza letras de canciones de artistas presentes en todas las ediciones del festival Sónar para detectar patrones y descubrir su evolución en el tiempo.
#sonar #chatgpt #ciencia #AgenciaSINC
Over 100 dolphins die in Black Sea in April because of Russian actions
While more than 100 dead animals have already been registered, the actual death toll is much higher, with scientists believing the number exceeds 1,000. Scientists noted that the lesions found on the dead animals are typical of #military #sonar. #UkraineRussiaWar
#military #sonar #UkraineRussiaWar
Gli occhiali sonar sviluppati alla Cornell University ci permetteranno di usare dispositivi senza mani e senza voce, e torneranno utilissimi a persone con disabilità nel linguaggio.
#gadget #occhiali #sonar #tecnologia #linguaggio
Bathymetric Data Viewer [global, NOAA]
https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/maps/bathymetry/ <-- spatial open data web portal
“NCEI and the IHO Data Center for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) archive and share depth data acquired by hydrographic, oceanographic, and industry vessels and platforms during surveys or while on passage. These data, which are used in several national and international mapping bathymetry projects, are free to the public with no restrictions…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #bathmetry #global #opendata #openaccess #download #NCEI #DCBD #NOAA #elevation #sonar #water #hydrography #hydrospatial #webportal #science #spatialanalysis #DEM #data #digital #multibeam #survey #visualisation #BAG #raster #GEBCO #GMRT #IBSCO #GSHHG
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #bathmetry #global #opendata #openaccess #download #ncei #dcbd #noaa #elevation #sonar #water #hydrography #hydrospatial #webportal #science #spatialanalysis #dem #data #digital #multibeam #survey #visualisation #bag #raster #gebco #gmrt #ibsco #gshhg
Así es, no me he olvidado del #JDePoesia que son cada día cómo éste y te traigo una #reflexion que valga para soñar o para tomar acciones. Puede que te lleve a cavilar un poco.
Desde los tiempos de ellos a las nuestras.
En un resumido viaje a la introspección para acabar con una forma de #soñar.
Por esto, te invito a este post 👇🏾
La semana que viene estaré retomando temas sobre la diáspora. Hoy, te doy una tregua.
#jdepoesia #reflexion #sonar #juevesmastodontico