House Finch, Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas, Handcrafted Wall Art, Decor, Gift of Love & Friendship, Songbird in Pale Colors, by ColorBySusan on Etsy #birds #finch #housefinch #songbirds #acrylicpainting #wallart #disabled #artist
#birds #finch #housefinch #songbirds #acrylicpainting #wallart #disabled #artist
The #songbirds and #hummingbirds are still flitting about but the #crows left town about an hour ago. #hurricane #hilary #sandiego
#songbirds #hummingbirds #crows #hurricane #hilary #sandiego
Peculiarities of the #germline_restricted #chromosome of #songbirds.
#germline_restricted #chromosome #songbirds #cpeb1
Bought a Ryobi table saw a day ago, never had one until now. Going to learn to use it by building several Nesting Boxes for the many MANY wild #songbirds (mostly Finches) in our forest in western #Oregon.
So far, learning curve is pretty easy, harder to measure than it is to make a clean, accurate cut.
Next thing you know I’ll be making freakin’ Amish furniture.
K-7798 Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve in Cape Charles, Virginia
#amateurradio #hamradio #ParksOnTheAir #POTA #portablehamradio #portableamateurradio #Virginia #MagothyBayNaturalAreaPreserve #MagothyBay #DelmarvaPeninsula #Delmarva #birdwatching #migratorybirds #songbirds
#songbirds #migratorybirds #birdwatching #delmarva #delmarvapeninsula #magothybay #magothybaynaturalareapreserve #virginia #portableamateurradio #portablehamradio #pota #ParksOnTheAir #hamradio #amateurradio
Songbird songin' #Birds #Songbirds #BirdsOfMastodon #WhiteCrownedSparrow @loren
#birds #songbirds #birdsofmastodon #whitecrownedsparrow
K-7798 Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve in Cape Charles, Virginia
#amateurradio #hamradio #ParksOnTheAir #POTA #portablehamradio #portableamateurradio #Virginia #MagothyBayNaturalAreaPreserve #MagothyBay #DelmarvaPeninsula #Delmarva #birdwatching #migratorybirds #songbirds
#songbirds #migratorybirds #birdwatching #delmarva #delmarvapeninsula #magothybay #magothybaynaturalareapreserve #virginia #portableamateurradio #portablehamradio #pota #ParksOnTheAir #hamradio #amateurradio
When I first looked out the window I couldn’t tell what the grackle was doing. Then I saw a wing flap desperately beneath it.
It’s fine. Everything is totally fine. Birds can’t smell fear, right? …Right?! (Don’t look it in the eye).
#nauture #birds #backyardbirds #grackles #songbirds #horror #alfredhitchcock #thebirds #horror
#nauture #birds #backyardbirds #grackles #songbirds #horror #alfredhitchcock #thebirds
Not a great shot, I had to denoise and crop the hell out of it, but at least you can kind of make out the tell-tale hot orange-pink feet on this Blackpoll Warbler, a first for me. But, this warblers legs aren't the only cool thing about this bird. For one thing, its call is so high-pitched as to be barely audible to the human ear. For another, as tiny as it is, it migrates over 1,800 miles from northern Canada to its winter digs in South America. Not so cool is the fact that its population has been decimated by about 80% during the past 40 years, largely due to the fossil fuel and other extractive industries devastating its nesting habitat in the boreal north.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #passerines #songbirds #warblers
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #passerines #songbirds #warblers
Willow Flycatcher
These small birds prefer brushy, wetland areas, such as this Phragmites stand near an inlet, from which they sally forth to catch flying insects. They may be distinguished from other members of the Empidonax flycatcher genus by their distinct call, which sounds to me like "wheeeat-dewww." I had encountered these birds in this area last summer. When I got there, the the hordes of gnats reminded me, and I decided to stick around, despite them. Sure enough, not one, but two Willows showed up.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
Saltmarsh Sparrow is considered endangered due to the double whammy of anthropogenic habitat destruction and climate change. It nests in reeds just above the high tide zone in saltmarshes, where even without sea-level increase, it is sometimes forced to relocate due to exceptionally high tides. Nevertheless, the resident population at my favorite spot, the Marine Nature Study Area, seems to be stable, if not abundant, and the birds are fairly prominent if you know what to look for (usually a little head sticking up above the Spartina grass).
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
House Finch, printable digital download file; original painting, handcrafted, wall art decor, bird, fun Gift, songbird, pale colors, by ColorBySusan on Etsy #housefinch #finch #printable #painting #art #birdart #songbirds #wallart #wednesday #wednesdaymotivation
#housefinch #finch #printable #painting #art #birdart #songbirds #wallart #wednesday #wednesdaymotivation
I discovered #BryanPfeiffer on the bird site. Now I subscribe to his substack feed. He is a #nature #writer extraordinaire, always makes me want to try harder in my own work. But you can just enjoy his:
"When #Songbirds Fall to Earth:
Amid the abuses perpetrated on birds, can we be worthy of their beauty and music, their force and grace."
#songbirds #writer #Nature #bryanpfeiffer
The Veery is a thrush, a member of the Turdidae, along with the Hermit Thrush and American Robin. It forages much as does the Robin, gleaning small invertebrates from the leaf litter in its woodland habitats. It nests in the northern U.S. and Canada, migrating during winters as far as Brazil and Chile.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
Hearing screeching blue jays always reminds me of camping trips in #Wisconsin and #Minnesota as a kid. I feel incredibly fortunate to live in a place where they're joined by white-throated sparrows, birds I've heard singing "où es-tu, Frédéric, Frédéric, Frédéric?" countless times while on long hikes in #Québec and #Ontario. #SongBirds #birding #birds
#birds #birding #songbirds #ontario #quebec #minnesota #wisconsin
This was terrific.
#birds #science #scicomm #songbirds
#Nature #Canada #USA
Wonders of Song
#USA #Canada #nature #songbirds #scicomm #science #birds
Together with theScalet Tanager and others, the Summer Tanager is a member of the Cardinal family, not the True Tanagers. This medium-sized songbird favors insects, particularly bees and wasps, which it catches on the fly, as well as some fruits. It is a denizen of open deciduous or mixed woodlands in the southern U.S., wintering down through through South America. Males are the only all-red birds in North America, while females and immature males are yellow-green. They are not usually found in the northeastern U.S., but they have shown up in our area (NY) probably as a result of climate change and storm front that has been passing through. They are not considered endangered in their range. I came across this accommodating little guy while doing some sampling for iNaturalist's City Nature Challenge in a modest park in Brooklyn.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
Choir gown and all...
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
The House Wren is a tiny, feisty rather plain-colored brown bird with an "effervescent voice" and "one of the largest ranges of any songbird in the New World. It breeds from Canada through the West Indies and Central America, southward to the southernmost point of South America" (Birds of the World). This little one came really close and allowed me to get some good shots, but I like the lighting on this one. I pulled down the highlights, but I'd like to figure out a way to make the upper right edge of the bird's head look sharper.
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
Savannah Sparrow
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #MastodonNatureCommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds
#birds #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #mastodonnaturecommunity #wildlife #birding #aves #fotografia #songbirds