“Service, for me, for us, is not a transactional act. It’s not a trick we undertake to get people to give us their money. Yes, of course, great service has strategic value. Every day we go out with the belief that we need to re-earn our customer’s trust and make it worthwhile for people to want to spend time and money with us. But really, service is a way of being in the world.”
—Ari Weinzweig
— The #SongOfSignificance A New Manifesto for Teams by #sethgodin
#songofsignificance #sethgodin
“The planet does not need more successful people, but it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.”
—David Orr
— The #SongofSignificance: A New Manifesto for Teams by #SethGodin
#books #songofsignificance #sethgodin
“We have a chance to stand up and make a ruckus, as caring humans.”
In our lives, we all want to #MakeADifference. As #SethGodin stresses in his work, our ability to CHOOSE has never been easier.
#makeadifference #sethgodin #book #songofsignificance #twinztalk