The Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala
Trending Tags of the day by uses:
Information gathered at 2023-03-04 18:35:13
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6. Check out the latest trending topic on social media! People are discussing songs and movies about first dates using #SongsOrMoviesAboutFirstDates #Entertainment
#entertainment #songsormoviesaboutfirstdates
I see there's another hashtag challenge doing the rounds... #SongsOrMoviesAboutFirstDates
I remembered that one being called "What A Disaster", but according to all the You Tube titles it's:
I Wish I'd Never Asked Her - Hammond Gamble
I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man #SongsOrMoviesAboutFirstDates
#songsormoviesaboutfirstdates #hashtaggames
What's Your Name - Lynyrd Skynyrd
#songsormoviesaboutfirstdates #hashtaggames
My stupid mouth
Has got me in trouble
I said too much again
To a date over dinner yesterday
And I could see
She was offended
She said "well anyway"
Just dying for a subject change...
My Stupid Mouth - John Mayer
#songsormoviesaboutfirstdates #hashtaggames
The Fire Inside - BobSeger and the Silver Bullet Band
#songsormoviesaboutfirstdates #hashtaggames