Thousand Foot Krutch - Take It Out On Me
‘So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Fight if you need to, smash if you have to
Get control (take it out on me)’
#rockmusic #music #rock #songsormoviesaboutheartburn
Reflux Æterna - Metallica
#SongsOrMoviesAboutHeartburn #HashtagGames
Burple pain.
#HashtagGames #songsormoviesaboutheartburn
Next up on Classic hits:
"Gaviscon" by Glen Campbell
Hanging On A Heart Attack • Device
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#songsormoviesaboutheartburn #silentsunday #今日宇宙流行趋势
#songsormoviesaboutheartburn Total Eclipse of the Heart
Song by Bonnie Tyler
Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt (my heart burns), perfect really!
#songsormoviesaboutheartburn #HashtagGames