Emma Ruth Rundle is HEAVY (maybe not in the way you think). #SongsThatMakeMeCry
Since some are comparing the #twittermigration to a disaster, I think this #song is very fitting. https://youtu.be/Ne-2HYY3kLo #Goldspot #lifeasamusical #songsthatmakemecry
#twittermigration #song #goldspot #lifeasamusical #songsthatmakemecry
A song to play to anyone who tries to tell you that class politics and the proletariat is and was all about old white men. A #folksong with lyrics from a young woman working in the NE England coalmines in the 1840s.
You want #intersectionality ? Here's your intersectionality.
Try not to tear up while listening at either "what's the use, tomorrow will be just the same" or "at least you tried."
#coal #unthanks #songsthatmakemecry #intersectionality #folksong