Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #11
mouse on the keys - spectres de mouse
I'm too fucking stupid to tell you why this slaps but it does. Do you like chaotic jazzy-ass piano and drums? Then this is a song you should hear.
It has so many good notes, in very many nicely arranged patterns. When i hear them, i think: "wow, this is what a good song sounds like, i sure love to hear these sounds and notes!". Perhaps you will too.
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #mouseonthekeys
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #10
Neil Young - Vampire Blues
One of my fav Neil Young tracks.
There's a weird frustration that arises from listening to a political song from nearly 50 years ago that is still relevant today. it makes me think about goals when writing political music. is it a preaching to the choir situation? perhaps there's at least a benefit to knowing someone else knows whats going on.
Good song though.
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #neil
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #9
Billy Joel - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
A long time ago when I was a very different me (pre-transition), I sang harsh vocals live regularly. I had poor technique. After enough bad last songs and throat pain, I finally took voice lessons. I chose to learn this, based on my range at the time, and tbh, its fun to sing. I still do regularly, when alone. It really takes me back-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #billyjoel
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #7
G.L.O.S.S. - Lined Lips and Spiked Bats
I'm sad every day at how short lived G.L.O.S.S.'s time was. They wrote powerful, queer, and political hardcore, and that is inspiring. I strive to bring as much realness as I can to my music as they did. I'll be trying forever.
The beats shift throughout, lending some spicy chaos. It also includes a lyrical nod to the classic Bloodstains by Agent Orange
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #gloss
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #6
Motion City Soundtrack - Modern Chemistry
MCS is one of my all-time favs. One of their albums (not this one) helped keep me alive during a particularly bad year.
This song features beautiful harmonic layers of guitars and moog synth, a nice balance of heaviness and shininess, and personal lyrics. It reads as a insecure ritual to an unknown cure.
I love a vocals dominant intro too!
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #motioncitysoundtrack
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #5
Skeeter Davis - The End of the World
Today's song is one for sentimental reasons. Quite a few years ago, when me and my husband were saving up to get an apartment. Our entire lives were in my bedroom at my father's house.
At the time, my husband was playing a lot of Fallout 4. This song was on the radio. I have good memories of falling asleep to it, and this song stuck with me the most.
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #skeeterdavis
doing the #SongThatIThinkIsPrettyNeat thing has been a good exercise so far in terms of practicing being concise. It's a skill I lack, and fitting my thoughts into 500 characters makes a reasonable challenge.
It is also revealing a frustrating lack of theory knowledge. I wish I knew more about how to explain why I like something about the composition. I want to more accurately relate my musical thoughts.
In the new year I wish to improve my musical skills both physically and theoretically.
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #4
Rilo Kiley - The Good That Won't Come Out
Here's a classic sadness jam. I hear an exploration of the ways we fail each other & the rejection and isolation that leads to.
I think most people want to be good. At this point I think no one gets out of life without causing some pain. If things line up right, I think you can find yourself able to let the good out.
also check out that slide guitar!
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #rilokiley
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #4
Rilo Kiley - The Good That Won't Come Out
Here's a classic sadness jam. I hear this as an exploration of the ways we fail each other and the rejection and isolation that leads to.
I think most people want to be good. At this point I think no one gets out of life without causing some pain. If things line up right, I think you can find yourself able to let the good out.
also, enjoy the dynamic percussion decisions!
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #rilokiley
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #3
Boris - Ibitsu
I am consistently late to any cool music, and today's example is Boris, a 30 year old band, who I discovered through the release of the guitarists signature fuzz pedal.
This track is roughly 20 years old, and shows off some absolutely slamtacular, sludgey, harsh, thrashy hardcore type instrumentation
The synced guitar and bass at 2:20 makes for some especially great ear candy.
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #boris
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat #2
Shugo Tokumaru - Rum Hee
Shugo Tokumaru is a musician who excels at crafting beautiful, dense soundscapes, out of many thin layers of instrumentation.
I can only read the English translation, but the lyrics have themes of depression, addiction, and hope. I appreciate this.
This live version was chosen to demonstrate the amount of people and instruments needed to accurately perform it.
#SongThatIThinkIsPrettyNeat #ShugoTokumaru
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #shugotokumaru
Song That I Think Is Pretty Neat
It is my unprofessional opinion that Thin Lizzy slaps, and this song in particular showcases so much of what made them stand out.
Crispy poppy thoughtful rock that maintains edge and grit, innovative use of standard rock guitar scales, and close up, powerful vocals.
This is also an underplayed hit of theirs, so if you are extra lucky, this will be new to you!
#songthatithinkisprettyneat #thinlizzy