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The K2 (2016)

Ji Chang-wook makes an excellent spy/agent. K2 was obviously written to show off this talent. The story is sloppy and patched together with political intrigue that comes out of nowhere and people switching sides faster than you can keep track.

That said, I really enjoyed it and may even rewatch, but would only recommend it to people who like Ji Chang-wook beating up dozens of other agents & police every episode. The battle choreography is beyond belief (seriously - only a real superhero could do that). I'm not sure if it was meant to be satirical, but if you just take it at face-value as an action series, it's a fun watch.

The 2 female leads, Im Yoon-ah & Song Yoon-ah were also excellent with the characters they were given. I even ended up feeling sorry for the villain.

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#kdrama #thek2 #K2 #jichangwook #imyoonah #songyoonah

Last updated 1 year ago