45 years ago:
Lady on the Bus (BR)
Original title: A Dama do Lotação
Solange is a recently married young woman whose wedding night did not end well. After constant fights with her husband, she decides to live through her sexual frustration by sleeping with strangers she picks up on crowded buses in Rio de Janeiro.
#LadyontheBus #SôniaBraga #ClassicMovies
#ladyonthebus #soniabraga #classicmovies
40 years ago:
Gabriela (BR)
Original title: Gabriela, Cravo e Canela
In 1925, Gabriela, a poor, uneducated, yet charming woman becomes cook, mistress, and then wife of Nacib, a bar owner in Ilhéus, a small Brazilian coastal town run by the local colonels.
#Gabriela #SôniaBraga #MarcelloMastroianni #EmmanuelleCastro #UnitedArtists #Movies
#gabriela #soniabraga #marcellomastroianni #emmanuellecastro #unitedartists #movies
In solidarity with the people of Brazil, I’m reposting this:
#KleberMendonçaFilho #JulianoDonelles #brazil #braziliancinema #action #scifi #SoniaBraga #UdoKeir
#klebermendoncafilho #julianodonelles #brazil #braziliancinema #action #scifi #soniabraga #udokeir