The main issue people like claim to have is that BAD MEN will use the as a way to hurt women. But men already hurt women. Every single day! Trans people are statistically more likely to be VICTIMS of crime (by the same bad men) so it makes no sense for them to carry the can for the bad men. THE BAD MEN ARE THE PROBLEM! Trans people just want to get on with their lives in peace. We wouldn't expect women to carry the can for what bad men do!

#grareform #soniasodah

Last updated 2 years ago

Lastly, it goes on and on about SNP and Nicola Sturgeon and how they and "probably" her personally voted down any possible amendment to make it safe and ignored anyone with valid concerns 🙄 It had 2 public consultations over 5 years, numerous debates and it had CROSS PARTY SUPPORT. Did contribute to this? Did she attend debates? Did she contribute to the public consultations? The Tories who have an issue didn't either!

#transphobiahasconsequences #soniasodah

Last updated 2 years ago

"The culture wars frame suits Sturgeon because it positions her as defender of minorities against a dastardly Tory government. But it doesn’t fit the facts."

hasn't provided facts. Just her opinions on things that will "probably" happen. No evidence. And its clear how much she dislikes Nicola Sturgeon. Imagine believing Tories care more about trans rights (after the leadership debate too!!) than the woman defending them for the last decade


Last updated 2 years ago

"the more they will lean towards treating all males who identify as female as though they have"

She likes to call trans women male all the way through this article. Nice wee kick in the ribs while you're down. wants everyone to know she thinks trans women will never be women but she is NOT TRANSPOBIC and actually she thinks that's a buzzword people say that doesn't have any meaning 🙄

Despite the entire article being riddled with transpbobia.


Last updated 2 years ago

"This will probably make service providers more reluctant to provide genuinely single-sex services"

This "probably" is doing alot of heavy lifting 😬 so actually doesn't have any evidence that places will close because of GRA. A quick reminder that they are closing because of a lack of funds, already. And instead of focusing on that and fixing it, we are worrying about if GRA'S MIGHT do a thing thats already happening because of something else 🤔


Last updated 2 years ago

"The Scottish bill removes that safeguard, opening it up to any man who might want them and is happy to exploit this reform"

OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME men are going to have access to women!! Ignore the fact that men rape every day, despite not having "a GRA". In fact... for some its as easy as putting on a police uniform and raping the people you are supposed to only help. But yeah... trans people....

#transphobiahasconsequences #transphobia #soniasodah

Last updated 2 years ago

"If someone male who identifies as female has changed their legal sex, it becomes more difficult to lawfully exclude them from female-only services and spaces, such as changing rooms, sexual assault services, prisons and hospital wards. It becomes impossible to exclude them from single-sex schools and clubs"

Sexual assault services are closing all over the country leaving the women she claims to care about with nothing but you are focused on trans ppl 🤔


Last updated 2 years ago

What a load of rubbish Sonia Sodha spouts in this article 😬
I don't think she knows anything about Scotland OR trans people but I'll clarify some points.

"It makes it more difficult to provide single-sex intimate care for disabled women."- HOW!? These 2 things aren't related. In fact its in the same paper today that women's care/rape crisis are closing because of "lack of funds"

#soniasodah #transphobiahasconsequences #transphobia

Last updated 2 years ago