Okay, played some #SonicHellfireSaga on my laptop and it was very cool Sonic 3 and Knuckles Rom Hack horror game.
So far, efforts to play it on my #Nintendo2DS have been failing so far. The solo #SegaGenesis #emulator for the 3DS I have (PicoDrive) does not appears up to the task and crashed out a few times.
PicoDrive or Genesis Plus GX inside #RetroArch both work great in #Linux with the game, but on 2DS the back end of RetroArch creates a lot of lag so, not an option.
Anyway, if you want to try it out - here's the developer's site https://sonicresearch.org/community/index.php?threads/hellfire-saga-grand-finale.6704/
Tags: #RomHack #VideoGames #RetroGaming
#sonichellfiresaga #nintendo2ds #segagenesis #emulator #retroarch #linux #romhack #videogames #retrogaming