This episode’s the first of a three-part series where I’ll be taking a look at how sonic tactics are used by everything from sperm whales to tiger moths, from Bronze Age battles to the now-famous “Ghost Army” of World War II, and just what the future of sonic warfare might hold.
#Havanasyndrome #sonardisrupting #sonictactics #animalkingdom #sonicdefence #soundprotection
#HavanaSyndrome #sonardisrupting #sonictactics #animalkingdom #sonicdefence #soundprotection
Tooth, Claw, and Clamor: How Animals Use the Power of Sound to Survive
Five years ago, the first stories broke about a mysterious syndrome affec
#Research&Technology #carouselfeeding #clearwingmoths #Havanasyndrome #killerwhales #mothclicking #orcas #pistolshrimp #snappingshrimp #sonardisrupting #sonictactics #soundbubble #spermwhale #spermwhaleclicking #tigermoth
#research #carouselfeeding #clearwingmoths #Havanasyndrome #killerwhales #mothclicking #orcas #pistolshrimp #snappingshrimp #sonardisrupting #sonictactics #soundbubble #spermwhale #spermwhaleclicking #tigermoth