New debug features in Nights into Dreams? New Action Replay codes? The egg timer as a powerup?! All that and more has been found by Bo Bayles hiding in Sonic Team's first Sega Saturn game and its demo discs — read about it here:
#sega #saturn #segasaturn #retrogaming #videogames #sonicteam #nightsintodreams #burningrangers #debug
#sega #saturn #SegaSaturn #RetroGaming #videogames #sonicteam #nightsintodreams #burningrangers #debug
Kotaku: Sonic Team Doesn’t Think Pixel Art Will Be A ‘Viable’ Style In The Future #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #sonicthehedgehog #3dplatformgames #sonicsuperstars #sonicfrontiers #platformgames #takashiiizuka #windowsgames #sonicforces #sonicmania #sonicteam #sports #roblox
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #sonicthehedgehog #3dplatformgames #sonicsuperstars #SonicFrontiers #platformgames #takashiiizuka #windowsgames #sonicforces #sonicmania #sonicteam #sports #roblox
What's better: Timed dialogue choices, or a stress-free co-op helper? - #What'sthebestthinginvideogames? #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #ObsidianEntertainment #BackboneEntertainment #SonictheHedgehog2 #ActionAdventure #AlphaProtocol #SinglePlayer #Blockbuster #NintendoWii #Thirdperson #SEGAEurope #Platformer #SonicTeam #Sideview #Android #Shooter #Xbox360 #Indie #Sega #PS3 #iOS #PC
#pc #ios #ps3 #sega #indie #xbox360 #shooter #android #sideview #sonicteam #platformer #SegaEurope #thirdperson #nintendowii #blockbuster #singleplayer #alphaprotocol #ActionAdventure #sonicthehedgehog2 #backboneentertainment #obsidianentertainment #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #what
Les livraisons du jeudi 10 août 2023 :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #Bayonetta #Bayonetta∞ClimaxEdition #ChildOfEden #QEntertainment #Ubisoft #PhantasyStarUniverse #SonicTeam #Sega #Nintendo #Gamecube #AdaptateurDAntenneModulateurDAntenne #AdaptateurDAntenne #ModulateurDAntenne
#childofeden #qentertainment #ubisoft #phantasystaruniverse #sonicteam #sega #nintendo #gamecube #adaptateurdantennemodulateurdantenne #adaptateurdantenne #modulateurdantenne #microsoft #xbox360 #bayonetta
Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (2) :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #50CentBloodOnTheSand #SwordfishStudios #THQ #XboxOne #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarSanDiego #RockstarGames #OutlastTrinity #RedBarrels #WarnerBrosGames #SonicForces #SonicForcesEditionBonus #SonicTeam #Sega #TalesOfVesperia #NamcoTalesStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Trine4TheNightmarePrince #Frozenbyte #ModusGames #Saturn #Grandia #GameArts #EntertainmentSoftwarePublishing #NintendoDS #ProfesseurLaytonEtLAppelDuSpectre #Level5
#microsoft #xbox360 #50centbloodonthesand #swordfishstudios #thq #xboxone #RedDeadRedemption #rockstarsandiego #rockstargames #outlasttrinity #redbarrels #warnerbrosgames #sonicforces #sonicforceseditionbonus #sonicteam #sega #talesofvesperia #namcotalesstudio #bandainamcoentertainment #trine4thenightmareprince #frozenbyte #modusgames #saturn #grandia #gamearts #entertainmentsoftwarepublishing #NintendoDS #professeurlaytonetlappelduspectre #level5
Going live with Sonic Frontiers! We're on the last dash as we speed our way to the end of the game.
#stream #sonicfrontiers #vtuber #sega #sonicteam
#Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Telegram #PalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitas #RGB #LucesRGB #Root #Ska #Calavera #Sonic #SonicTeam #Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas
#insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #sonicteam #sonic #calavera #ska #root #lucesrgb #rgb #doblepalomitas #doblepalomitasdetelegram #palomitasdetelegram #telegram #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
#Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Telegram #Tg #TelegramChecks #TelegramDoubleChecks #DoubleChecks #RGB #RGBlights #Root #Ska #SkaMusic #Skull #Sonic #SonicTeam #Badge #Badges #Verification #Verified #VerificationBadge #VerificationBadges #VerifiedBadge #VerifiedBadges
#verifiedbadges #verifiedbadge #verificationbadges #verificationbadge #verified #verification #badges #badge #sonicteam #sonic #skull #skamusic #ska #root #RGBLights #rgb #doublechecks #telegramdoublechecks #telegramchecks #tg #telegram #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji
Going live with Sonic Frontiers! Time to put our speed shoes back on. Not that I need them, of course. 😏
#stream #sonicfrontiers #vtuber #sega #sonicteam
Going live with Sonic Frontiers! We continue our open-world journey with the blue blur. I'm also still wondering how Tails ever got a pilot's license.
#stream #sonicfrontiers #vtuber #sega #sonicteam
Going live with Sonic Frontiers! We're back to being fast. The consumption of buttocks is optional.
#stream #sonicfrontiers #vtuber #sega #sonicteam
On #SegaSunday / #CIBSunday here’s “Sonic Shuffle”. This is a year 2000 game co-developed by #HudsonSoft and #SonicTeam. It’s a board game style multiplayer game and was #Sega’s attempt to create a rival to the #MarioParty series from #Nintendo.
#Retrogaming #Dreamcast
#segasunday #cibsunday #HudsonSoft #sonicteam #sega #marioparty #nintendo #retrogaming #dreamcast
Les soldes d'été 2023 : 5ème partie
#XboxOne #XboxSeriesX #Road96 #DigixArt #PlugInDigital #SonicOriginsPlus #SonicTeam #Sega #StarOceanTheDivineForce #triAce #SquareEnix #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo
#xboxone #XboxSeriesX #Road96 #digixart #plugindigital #sonicoriginsplus #sonicteam #sega #staroceanthedivineforce #triace #squareenix #wolongfallendynasty #teamninja #koeitecmo
#Introduction time!
I develop games (usually in #Unity, though I'm learning #unreal but my true passion is #gaming!
I'm a passionate #SonicTheHedgehog and #LegendOfZelda fan, among many other franchises. I listen to #VGM, #Chiptune, #EDM.
Other things I like: #Nintendo #SonicTeam #Anime #VideoGames #Fanfiction #Fanart #Yaoi #ProjectDiva #Vocaloid #Harvestella #FinalFantasy #Picross #Jigsaw #Portal #NoStraightRoads #Digimon #HunterXHunter #PuzzleGame #RPG #RuneFactory #romance #adventure
#introduction #unity #unreal #gaming #sonicthehedgehog #legendofzelda #vgm #chiptune #edm #nintendo #sonicteam #anime #videogames #fanfiction #fanart #yaoi #projectdiva #vocaloid #harvestella #finalfantasy #picross #jigsaw #portal #nostraightroads #digimon #hunterxhunter #puzzlegame #rpg #runefactory #romance #adventure
Les livraisons du lundi 26 juin 2023 :
#Sega #SonicTeam #Microsoft #XboxOne #XboxSeriesX #SonicOrigins #SonicOriginsPlus #XboxOneS #XboxOneX #LécureuilNoir #TheLegendOfZeldaOracleOfAges #TheLegendOfZeldaOracleOfSeasons #GuideNonOfficiel #GuideComplet #GuideDeluxe
#sega #sonicteam #microsoft #xboxone #XboxSeriesX #SonicOrigins #sonicoriginsplus #xboxones #XboxOneX #lecureuilnoir #thelegendofzeldaoracleofages #thelegendofzeldaoracleofseasons #guidenonofficiel #guidecomplet #guidedeluxe
Sega announce a Sonic Central for tomorrow showing, you guessed it, Sonic stuff - #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #SonicPrimeTVseries #SonicOriginsPlus #SonicSuperstars #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #SonicFrontiers #XboxSeriesX/S #SonicOrigins #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Headcannon #Platformer #SonicTeam #Sideview #XboxOne #Arcade #Sega #PS4 #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #ps4 #sega #arcade #xboxone #sideview #sonicteam #platformer #headcannon #thirdperson #singleplayer #SonicOrigins #XboxSeriesX #SonicFrontiers #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure #sonicsuperstars #sonicoriginsplus #sonicprimetvseries #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive
Watch 10 minutes of Sonic Superstars and see exactly how faithful it is - #SonicSuperstars #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #SummerGameFest #XboxSeriesX/S #Platformer #SonicTeam #XboxOne #E32023 #Arcade #Sega #PS5 #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #ps5 #sega #arcade #E32023 #xboxone #sonicteam #platformer #XboxSeriesX #SummerGameFest #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure #sonicsuperstars
Sonic Superstars has a "Sonic 4 but actually good" energy. It's neat that we have an official Classic Amy 3D model.
#sonic #sonicsuperstars #sega #sonicteam #videogames #sonicthehedgehog
#sonic #sonicsuperstars #sega #sonicteam #videogames #sonicthehedgehog
Kotaku: Here's The Next 2D Sonic Game With A Classic Vibe From Sega #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #entertainment2cculture #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #knucklestheechidna #shadowthehedgehog #sonicthehedgehog #platformgames #windowsgames #sonicmania #videogames #frontiers #sonicteam #knuckles #sports #sonic #tails #amy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #entertainment2cculture #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #knucklestheechidna #shadowthehedgehog #sonicthehedgehog #platformgames #windowsgames #sonicmania #videogames #frontiers #sonicteam #knuckles #sports #sonic #tails #amy
Kotaku: The Sad, Final Fantasy-Related Irony Over Sonic Co-Creator's New Prison Sentence #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamepublishers #rodeatheskysoldier #business2cfinance #sonicthehedgehog #balanwonderworld #balancompany #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #squareenix #sonicteam #yujinaka #nintendo #sonic
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamepublishers #rodeatheskysoldier #business2cfinance #sonicthehedgehog #balanwonderworld #balancompany #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #squareenix #sonicteam #yujinaka #nintendo #sonic