Dass #SonnyChibaβs Sohn #Mackenyu in #OnePieceNetflix Zoro spielt ist Next Level Casting β€οΈπ΄ββ οΈ
#sonnychiba #mackenyu #onepiecenetflix
ICYMI: 1975βs Toei Company suspense thriller The Bullet Train is out now on Blu-ray, and is a First Class ticket all the way.
@Eurekavideo #BulletTrain #BullletTrainMovie #Bluray #Film #FilmReview #Toei #SonnyChiba
#bullettrain #bulllettrainmovie #bluray #film #filmreview #toei #sonnychiba
1975βs Toei Company suspense thriller The Bullet Train is out now on Blu-ray, and is a First Class ticket all the way.
@Eurekavideo #BulletTrain #BullletTrainMovie #Bluray #Film #FilmReview #Toei #SonnyChiba
#bullettrain #bulllettrainmovie #bluray #film #filmreview #toei #sonnychiba
1975βs Toei Company suspense thriller The Bullet Train is out now on Blu-ray, and is a First Class ticket all the way.
@Eurekavideo #BulletTrain #BullletTrainMovie #Bluray #Film #FilmReview #Toei #SonnyChiba
#bullettrain #bulllettrainmovie #bluray #film #filmreview #toei #sonnychiba
On April 21, 1977, Return of the Street Fighter debuted in West Germany. Hereβs some original Sonny Chiba art to mark the occasion!
#ReturnOfTheStreetFighter #ShigehiroOzawa #SonnyChiba #MartialArtsFilm #ToeiCompany #KarateFilm #JapaneseFilm #70sMovies #Karate #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#returnofthestreetfighter #shigehiroozawa #sonnychiba #martialartsfilm #toeicompany #karatefilm #japanesefilm #70smovies #karate #tcmunderground #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On April 5, 1975, Wolf Guy debuted in Japan. Hereβs some original Sonny Chiba art to celebrate!
#WolfGuy ShojiMatsumoto #SonnyChiba #AkiraInugami #JapaneseFilm #JapaneseHorror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #Werewolf #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFamily #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistoryΒ
#wolfguy #sonnychiba #akirainugami #japanesefilm #JapaneseHorror #horrormovies #horrorart #werewolf #thelastdrivein #mutantfamily #art #movieart #moviehistory
ICYMI: The Sonny China action comedy films The Executioner, and The Executioner II: Karate Inferno get a new blu-ray release in a new double feature set that's a lot of fun.
@ArrowFilmsVideo@twitter.com #BlurayReview #SonnyChiba #TheExecutionerCollection
#blurayreview #sonnychiba #theexecutionercollection
The Sonny China action comedy films The Executioner, and The Executioner II: Karate Inferno get a new blu-ray release in a new double feature set that's a lot of fun.
@ArrowFilmsVideo@twitter.com #Bluray #BlurayReview #SonnyChiba #TheExecutionerCollection
#bluray #blurayreview #sonnychiba #theexecutionercollection
The Sonny China action comedy films The Executioner, and The Executioner II: Karate Inferno get a new blu-ray release in a new double feature set that's a lot of fun.
@ArrowFilmsVideo@twitter.com #Bluray #BlurayReview #SonnyChiba #TheExecutionerCollection
#bluray #blurayreview #sonnychiba #theexecutionercollection
Watched THE GOLDEN BAT (1966). Glorious early tokusatsu. When your hero is a creepy skull-headed 10,000 year old Atlantean mummy with the laugh of a super villain that teams up with Sonny Chiba to fight an evil planet-wielding dude in a fur suit you know you're in for a treat.
My β β β β review of The Golden Bat on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/3Fxzaf
#tokusatsu #japanesecinema #superheroes #goldenbat #sonnychiba #watched #film #letterboxd
#tokusatsu #japanesecinema #superheroes #goldenbat #sonnychiba #watched #film #letterboxd
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the Sonny Chiba Collection from Shout Factory. Where it has some of Shinichi Chiba's aka Sonny Chiba's Classic Action Films.
#SonnyChibaCollection #SonnyChiba #εθηδΈ #JapaneseMartialArtsFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#SonnyChibaCollection #sonnychiba #εθηδΈ #japanesemartialartsfilms #JapaneseActionFilms
On December 3, 1975 Return of the Street Fighter debuted in the United States. Heresome original Sonny Chiba art to mark the occasion!
#ReturnOfTheStreetFighter #SonnyChiba #ActionMovies #GrindhouseMovies #ActionMovies #Art #CultMovies #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#returnofthestreetfighter #sonnychiba #actionmovies #grindhousemovies #art #cultmovies #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
RT @blackryan53@twitter.com
1939εΉ΄1ζ22ζ₯ - 2021εΉ΄8ζ19ζ₯
ζ²³ε ιδΎ δΌ Kawachi Chivalry 1967
π¦π: https://twitter.com/blackryan53/status/1587198539133755393
RT @blackryan53@twitter.com
1939εΉ΄1ζ22ζ₯ - 2021εΉ΄8ζ19ζ₯
ζ²³ε ιδΎ δΌ Kawachi Chivalry 1967
π¦π: https://twitter.com/blackryan53/status/1587198539133755393