Kotaku: There's An AI Jesus On Twitch, And It's Completely Surreal https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamer-ai-jesus-fortnite-star-wars-chatgpt-1850533473 #gaming #tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #religiousperspectivesonjesus #artificialintelligence #arnoldschwarzenegger #academicdisciplines #jesusinchristianity #singularitygroup #religion2cbelief #jesuschrist #christology #technology #miketyson #articles #sonofgod #ubisoft #isaiah #conan #god #ai
"In giving us his Son, his only Word (for he possesses no other), he spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word - and he has no more to say. . ."
- St. John of the Cross
#StJohnOfTheCross #word #WordOfGod #Son #SonOfGod #fulfillment #Catholic #Carmelite #Quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #fulfillment #sonofgod #son #wordofgod #word #stjohnofthecross
"Prayer and adoration become something interior, a participation in the very act of adoration taking place within the Trinity, in which the Son is always giving glory to His Father."
-Cardinal Anders Arborelius OCD
Read more at https://carmelitequotes.blog
#cardinalandersarborelius #prayer #adoration #participation #holytrinity #jesus #sonofgod #heavenlyfather #carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #heavenlyfather #sonofgod #jesus #holytrinity #participation #adoration #prayer #cardinalandersarborelius
Вось і я прайшоўся крыху па бэта варыянце #Midjourney
Варыянты Раняшняй Зоркі, вам ён больш знаёмы як Люцыфер.
#sonofgod #angel #lucifer #люцыфер #midjourney
#lessons for #palmsunday :
- Never trust a mob;
- Don't confront the powerful;
- And especially don't threaten their income source - even if you're full of the #holyspirit and claim to be the #sonofgod they will kill you.
#lessons #palmsunday #holyspirit #sonofgod