Calm before the storm. Another atmospheric river on the way in Northern California. #SonomaLife
Jack London State Historic Park spring piano concert, Sunday, March 19, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Played on the the piano Jack London had hauled up to the house for his derring do wife Charmaine.
"An individual standing still on the corner of Sonoma’s historic town square, wearing a Scream ghost costume and mask, resulted in multiple 911 calls from unsettled residents on Monday morning...
According to police, this person appeared to be part of Paramount Pictures’ promotion for the latest film in the franchise Scream VI.”
Doesn't take much to get a rise out of folks in Slownoma. People in San Francisco see the Scream on their streets every day.
Pruning time in Western Sonoma.
Shout out to Sonoma Market for carrying Capriole goat cheese. Yes, we have amazing artisanal cheese makers in the Bay Area. But IMHO there is nothing on the level of Capriole, crafted by hand in Indiana. #Foodie #SonomaLife
Every year at this time my neighbor's front yard tree grows more tangerines than he can eat. So when I take a walk, I can help myself. I have never eaten more delicious citrus, no matter how fancy the grocery store. This tree sure knows how to give us a boost during the short, dark days of winter.
Right about now I'm starting to feel like I'm living on a submarine. #California #AtmosphericRiver #SonomaLife
#california #atmosphericriver #sonomalife
Lichens on the back fence are loving the rain.
#California #SonomaLife #AtmosphericRiver
#california #sonomalife #atmosphericriver
Usually at this time of year I'm pruning my roses to force dormancy to encourage a healthy first flush in spring. Instead we are all biding our time during the #AtmosphericRiver deluge. #SonomaLife