En ce moment, je teste un peu #SonsOfTheForest. Il faut appréhender les mécaniques (je n'ai pas fait le 1er) mais ça a l'air bien rodé même si la construction a l'air buguée/compliquée.
Je me fais une partie sans les ennemis pour le moment, histoire de bien maitriser mais ça semble sympa.
Wenn eine vielarmige Mutanten-Frau mit Shotgun und Pistole dein Haus verteidigt, während du im Innern aus 'nem Kochtopf Fingersuppe schlürfst, hast du es geschafft. (d k) #SonsOfTheForest
i know everyone's focused on their open world sandbox engineering sim, but i am really loving this open world sandbox survival horror camping sim.
My Sons of the Forest Early Access experience. TLDR: Loved it.
Completed Sons of the Forest. What a wonderful, bizarre ride. Loved the AI NPCs that help oyu along your journey. This game was like LOST and Secret World on acid at times. Great exploration, compelling mystery. Definitely some major story missing from Early Access build so once game is complete I'll be back for another run. Loved every minute of this gem. #SonsoftheForest
Vendredi soirée jeu sur une île peuplée de Toupoutous ! sur ma chaîne : https://twitch.tv/feedaphid
attention 🩸🔞😱🤩
#sonsoftheforest #survival #twitch #horror
#horror #twitch #survival #sonsoftheforest
#SonsOfTheForest ist ein toller Nachfolger und macht Sau viel Spaß.
Wir spielen den Titel seit Release und das ist der aktuellste Stream:
Per #ShadowPC
On the plus side, I managed to scavenge a couple of hours on Sons of the Forest yesterday, and even though I am still in the extreme early-game phase, having a log cabin as well as fresh water and food sources is a result.
Getting a bow and arrow is absolutely critical in the very beginning. Getting as many feathers as you can before you leave the beach is the biggest tip I can give!
whelp...Matthew and I beat #SonsOfTheForest . Once we got shotguns, the rest of the game became pretty easy. there stopped being any point in building bases, sadly. the ending is quite dull...i assume they're still going to add more later since it's only very recently put in early access, but it's kinda blah so far. Maybe we'll revisit it in a year or so...maybe they'll have added more then.
Back to #ArkSurvivalEvolved ! :D
#sonsoftheforest #ArkSurvivalEvolved
More #SonsOFtheForest adventures: Today I learned #Kelvin is part #Aquaman.
It'd be more funny if there was a way to make him follow me, instead of staying completely stuck underwater with no way to get him to leave.
#sonsoftheforest #kelvin #aquaman
...I have questions about Virginia's swimsuit in #SonsOfTheForest. Like,
1. why does her swimsuit turn semi-translucent when wet? IT'S A SWIMSUIT
2. why do her nipples look like they're bleeding through the suit?!
Ne omituiset
metsän olennot on
kirveen terällä
ja keihään kamaralla
poikki ja pinoon saatu.
Those strange
creatures of the forest are
with the blade of the axe
blunt edge of the spear
cut down to piles.
#tanka #tankaoftheday #sonsoftheforest
Watching a Culvey variety show with #SonsoftheForest and #Bioshock2 (Minerva's Den)
#Jeux 🕹️
Il y a un deltaplane dans le jeu "Sons of the Forest" 😅 :
#JeuxVideos #SonsOfTheForest #JeuVideo
#jeux #jeuxvideos #sonsoftheforest #jeuvideo
Finished my first playthrough of the Early Access version of Sons of the Forest last night and I loved it!
Even if it's doesn't have as much content as the first game yet, it's truly a worthy successor in my eyes. I can't wait to see what the game is like in a year or two!
#sonsoftheforest #survivalhorror
Downloaded #sonsoftheforest and played a couple of minutes, diving in tomorrow.
Hardcore survival horror with an actual endgame? Sold.
Never did get around to playing The Forest, but this sequel looks right up my street.
Ein erster großer Patch für #SonsOfTheForest ist nun verfügbar: https://derchotv.de/2023/03/10/erster-grosser-patch-fuer-sons-of-the-forest-ist-da/
Bardzo dobre dni:
- pierwsza aktualizacja do #sonsoftheforest - dużo poprawek, optymalizacji, zmian, balansowania, nowych rzeczy (widziałem paralotnie, ale nie wiem jak ja ogarnąć w grze)
- patchują #returnal na PC - właśnie pobieram na decka, by sprawdzić jak działa. Gra wyleciała tam z listy wspieranych tytułów i jest oficjalnie oznaczona jako niedziałająca, a bardzo chciałbym, by wróciła
- Roberts wypuszcza oficjalnie aktualizację 3.18 do #starcitizen , w społeczności klimat jak podczas czekania na Mikołaja
- wyszło wszędzie demo Resident Evil 4 Remake - bardzo chętnie sprawdzę
- kończę patologocznie złe #wanteddead - żerujące wyłącznie na moim sentymencie do Ninja Gaiden, Bardzo zła gra ze złą ceną ;]
Tweetdeck mi z dech, oby Elon coś odjebał i jakoś tu dyskurs polskogierkowy odżył :P
Pozdrawiam #Giereczkowo 🤗
#sonsoftheforest #returnal #starcitizen #wanteddead #giereczkowo
Pues ya he probado una 3 horitas el #SonsoftheForest. Ya jugué al primero y me encantó, así que tengo ganas de hincarle 300 horas a este y echarle una review para TKZ :gaming_pacman3:
The #sonsoftheforest update giveth (can lock doors) and taketh away (shotgun damage halved). I finally felt safe walking around with a shotgun, but it was too good to last.