Und es ist wieder mal Zeit für eine kleine Reise zurück die die Vergangenheit der Playstation Wir schauen uns bekanntes und mit fortschreitendem Abend doch eher unbekanntes an Games an. Stream geht direkt los - kommst du auch? #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #fenrirode #twitch #twitchde #twitchstream #stream #stremer #twitchde #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstreamer #sony #sonypsx #psx #playstation #sonyplaystation #ridgeracer #negcon #zanacxzanac #martiangothic #lomax
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #fenrirode #twitch #twitchde #twitchstream #stream #stremer #twitchdeutschland #twitchstreamer #sony #sonypsx #psx #playstation #sonyplaystation #ridgeracer #negcon #zanacxzanac #martiangothic #lomax
Leaked Wipeout source code leads to near-total rewrite and remaster - Enlarge / Do you remember how fast Wipeout was in 1995? It's just as fa... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1963042 #sonyplaystation #sourcecodeleak #playstation #sourcecode #psygnosis #remaster #wipeout #gaming
#gaming #wipeout #remaster #psygnosis #sourcecode #playstation #sourcecodeleak #sonyplaystation
Ars Technica: Leaked Wipeout source code leads to near-total rewrite and remaster https://arstechnica.com/?p=1963042 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #sonyplaystation #sourcecodeleak #PlayStation #sourcecode #psygnosis #remaster #Wipeout #Gaming
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #sonyplaystation #sourcecodeleak #playstation #sourcecode #psygnosis #remaster #Wipeout #Gaming
Sony PS5 DualSense Wireless Controller is available for $49 Only. 🎮🕹️ #Sony #SonyPlaystation #PS5 #Gaming
Grab a second DualSense Wireless Controller for an enticing $49, marked down by up to $25
#sony #sonyplaystation #ps5 #gaming
Kotaku: The 9 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games https://kotaku.com/tmnt-ninja-turtles-best-games-teenage-mutant-mayhem-1850719693 #gaming #tech #kotaku #teenagemutantninjaturtlesthecowabungacollection #teenagemutantninjaturtlesturtlesintime #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #teenagemutantninjaturtles #scottpilgrimvstheworld #bebopandrocksteady #fictionalmutants #videogamesequels #fictionalturtles #sonyplaystation #streetfighterii #platformgames #michelangelo #scottpilgrim #rocksteady #caseyjones
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #teenagemutantninjaturtlesthecowabungacollection #teenagemutantninjaturtlesturtlesintime #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #teenagemutantninjaturtles #scottpilgrimvstheworld #bebopandrocksteady #fictionalmutants #videogamesequels #fictionalturtles #sonyplaystation #streetfighterii #platformgames #michelangelo #scottpilgrim #rocksteady #caseyjones
2 Spider 2 Man 2 Many.
#SpiderMan #Marvel #MarvelStudios #Sony #PlayStation #SonyPlayStation
#spiderman #marvel #marvelstudios #sony #playstation #sonyplaystation
Design: 8.5/10
Edit: The side plates and controller can be purchased individually.
#SpiderMan #SpiderMan2 #PS5 #PlayStation #Sony #SonyPlayStation #Gaming #Videogames #PlayStation5 #MilesMorales #Marvel #InsomniacGames
#spiderman #spiderman2 #ps5 #playstation #sony #sonyplaystation #gaming #videogames #playstation5 #milesmorales #marvel #insomniacgames
Microsoft bestätigt: „Call of Duty“ bleibt auf der Sony PlayStation
Microsoft hat zugesichert, die Call of Duty-Franchise weiterhin auf der
#BlickberDenTellerand #News #ActivisionBlizzard #CallOfDuty #CloudbasierteSpiele #Exklusivitt #Gaming #GamingBranche #Microsoft #Nintendo #PhilSpencer #Regulierungsbehrden #SonyPlayStation #bernahme #UKWettbewerbsUndMarktaufsichtsbehrde #Xbox
#blickberdentellerand #News #activisionblizzard #callofduty #cloudbasiertespiele #exklusivitt #gaming #gamingbranche #microsoft #nintendo #philspencer #regulierungsbehrden #sonyplaystation #bernahme #ukwettbewerbsundmarktaufsichtsbehrde #Xbox
Ars Technica: Mid-1990s Sega document leak shows how it lost the second console war to Sony https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951679 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #sonyplaystation #TheConsoleWars #segasaturn #Gaming #Sega #Sony
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #sonyplaystation #theconsolewars #segasaturn #Gaming #sega #sony
Mid-1990s Sega document leak shows how it lost the second console war to Sony - Enlarge / There are so many incomplete and esoteric thoughts on this no... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951679 #sonyplaystation #theconsolewars #segasaturn #gaming #sega #sony
#sony #sega #gaming #segasaturn #theconsolewars #sonyplaystation
Kotaku: New Valve Concept Art Is A Treasure Trove Of Canceled Games https://kotaku.com/half-life-2-episode-3-stars-of-blood-valve-alyx-1850592850 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #halflife2episodethree #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #sonyplaystation #davidmcgreavy #windowsgames #halflifealyx #marclaidlaw #linuxgames #halflife #combine #laidlaw #portal #alyx
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #halflife2episodethree #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #sonyplaystation #davidmcgreavy #windowsgames #HalfLifeAlyx #marclaidlaw #linuxgames #halflife #combine #laidlaw #portal #alyx
Red XIII/Nanaki from Final Fantasy VII
#ff7 #art #software #game #finalfantasy7 #ps1 #sonyplaystation #gaming #movie
#ff7 #Art #software #game #finalfantasy7 #ps1 #sonyplaystation #gaming #movie
Kotaku: Microsoft Says Xbox Has Been Losing The Console Wars Since 2001 https://kotaku.com/xbox-series-x-ps5-switch-microsoft-sony-nintendo-sales-1850567636 #gaming #tech #kotaku #gamepasssubscriptionservice #homevideogameconsoles #activisionblizzard #technologyinternet #videogameconsoles #businessfinance #sonyplaystation #invideogaming #playstation2 #callofduty #microsoft #nintendo #xboxone #jimryan #netflix #xbox #game #sony
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #gamepasssubscriptionservice #homevideogameconsoles #ActivisionBlizzard #technologyinternet #videogameconsoles #businessfinance #sonyplaystation #invideogaming #playstation2 #callofduty #microsoft #nintendo #xboxone #jimryan #netflix #xbox #game #sony
ich hätte ja nie gedacht, dass es bei dem Spiel 2 Meinungen geben könnte. Das ist doch ganz klar Scheissegeil! Live im Stream jetzt gegen alle Ungläubigen! #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #fenrirode #saturn #twitch #twitchde #twitchstream #stream #stremer #twitchde #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstreamer #sony #sonypsx #psx #playstation #sonyplaystation #alientrilogy #alientrilogygame #incrediblecrisis #raiden #raiden2
#raiden2 #raiden #incrediblecrisis #alientrilogygame #alientrilogy #sonyplaystation #playstation #psx #sonypsx #sony #twitchstreamer #twitchdeutschland #stremer #stream #twitchstream #twitchde #twitch #saturn #fenrirode #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #retro
My Top 100 PS1 Games - NTSC-U (US)
#JosephJYA #PS1 #SonyPlaystation #Playstation #RetroGaming #Retrogames
#josephjya #ps1 #sonyplaystation #playstation #retrogaming #retrogames
Dear Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller,
I’m aware that you’re not fond of PC gaming but just let me have this one W, please?
#SonyPlayStation #Sony #PlayStation #PS5 #PlatStation5 #PCGaming #KindaFunny #PSILoveYouXOXO #GamingPodcast #Gaming #VideoGames
#sonyplaystation #sony #playstation #ps5 #platstation5 #pcgaming #kindafunny #psiloveyouxoxo #gamingpodcast #gaming #videogames
Those #SonyPlayStation earbuds though. 👀 #PlayStationShowcase
#sonyplaystation #playstationshowcase
Kotaku: Alan Wake 2 Won't Be Releasing On A Disc https://kotaku.com/alan-wake-2-digital-only-no-disc-gamestop-trade-in-ps5-1850472524 #gaming #tech #kotaku #xboxseriessisadigitalonlyconsole #singleplayervideogames #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #episodicvideogames #videogameconsoles #sonyplaystation #invideogaming #windowsgames #videogaming #psychonauts #xboxseriess #videogames #alanwake #xboxone #xbox
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #xboxseriessisadigitalonlyconsole #singleplayervideogames #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #episodicvideogames #videogameconsoles #sonyplaystation #invideogaming #windowsgames #videogaming #psychonauts #XboxSeriesS #videogames #alanwake #xboxone #xbox
Finally got around to replace my #NintendoSwitch joycon joysticks with hall effect sensing ones to avoid drift. Let's cross our fingers and hope this will be the final time I opened up those pesky, minuscule excuse of controllers.
While I was at it, I dug out my extra #SonyPlaystation controller and swap its brains out with a wireless #8bitdo variant. I've had my main controller modded for the past year or two and I'm very pleased.
Just need to purchase a new RetroBlue receiver.
Happy Friday!
#nintendoswitch #sonyplaystation #8bitdo