玟/珳/小豆 · @w
18 followers · 47 posts · Server kolektiva.social

states trap people in their orbit by alienating them from land and each other. if we want to escape from / diminish civilisation then we have to learn about the land we live in, what grows, what we can forage, how to leave enough for animals and for it to regrow.

'aid' and 'development' are tools to isolate people from their community, their past, and their land. they solve problems created by the same countries that offer these as charity. and in so doing create poverty, because people who can live off the undisturbed forest, draw water from clean rivers, and make things for their community have no need for capitalist economy, cannot be 'poor' because they have everything they need.

- stuff I've been thinking about, largely based on the (esp the episodes with and on ) and reading

(this is not to idealise societies that exist outside of 'civilisations'. they can hold major injustice and suffering.)

tag? idk

#UpstreamPodcast #vandanashiva #sophiechao #gastrocolonialism #JamesCScott #anarchy

Last updated 2 years ago