I bet #SophieCorcoran doesn't have a problem with #DanWootton being on air with #GBNews, though.
#gbnews #DanWootton #sophiecorcoran
Here's one of my poems in English inspired by your friend and mine #NigelFarage. I wrote it nearly two years ago, but it still applies to the bugger. See also #PiersMorgan, #AndrewPierce #AndrewTate #DarrenGrimes #JuliaHartleyBrewer #SophieCorcoran #IsabelOakeshott #AndrewNeil #DanWootton #NeilOliver
Cunt by Albert Kirk Jr
#poetry #ScottishWriter #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #scottishwriter #poetry #neiloliver #DanWootton #andrewneil #isabeloakeshott #sophiecorcoran #juliahartleybrewer #darrengrimes #andrewtate #andrewpierce #piersmorgan #nigelfarage
Sophie Corcoran
Let Women Speak - Brighton 18/9/22
#sophiecorcoran #posieparker #letwomenspeak #brighton
#brighton #letwomenspeak #posieparker #sophiecorcoran