Non mais de quoi je me mêle les Dardenne ??
(Toute cette série d'été sur Depardieu est à lire, c'est passionnant - et terrifiant :
#sophiemarceau #pialat #depardieu #dardenne #cinema
El 23 de junio #ADSOFilms estrena en cines #Traición, película dirigida por #JeanPaulCiveyrac y protagonizada por #SophieMarceau.
Más información en:
#adsofilms #traicion #jeanpaulciveyrac #sophiemarceau
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
⭐ Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Robert Carlyle, Denise Richards, Robbie Coltrane, Judi Dench
🎥 Michael Apted
🌍 Mazarredo Zumarkalea, Bilbao, Spain 🇪🇸
#TheWorldIsNotEnough #JamesBond #007 #MichaelApted #PierceBrosnan #SophieMarceau #RobertCarlyle #DeniseRichards #RobbieColtrane #JudiDench #MazarredoZumarkalea #Bilbao #Spain
#theworldisnotenough #jamesbond #michaelapted #piercebrosnan #sophiemarceau #robertcarlyle #deniserichards #robbiecoltrane #judidench #mazarredozumarkalea #bilbao #spain
Rethinking my comments, #TheWorldIsNotEnough featured one of the cleverest #JamesBond #Movie #PlotTwists involving the very well conceived female character #ElektraKing (#SophieMarceau). Unfortunately it weakened the supposed big bad guy, Renard, the man who felt no pain. It just seems #PierceBrosnan's movies were less impactful than #DanielCraig's. I think both runs suffered from later blahs.
#theworldisnotenough #jamesbond #movie #plottwists #elektraking #sophiemarceau #piercebrosnan #danielcraig
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
⭐ Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Robert Carlyle, Denise Richards, Robbie Coltrane, Judi Dench
🎥 Michael Apted
🌍 Los Callejones de las Majadas, Cuenca, Spain 🇪🇸
#TheWorldIsNotEnough #JamesBond #007 #MichaelApted #PierceBrosnan #SophieMarceau #RobertCarlyle #DeniseRichards #RobbieColtrane #JudiDench #LosCallejonesdelasMajadas #Cuenca #Spain
#theworldisnotenough #jamesbond #michaelapted #piercebrosnan #sophiemarceau #robertcarlyle #deniserichards #robbiecoltrane #judidench #loscallejonesdelasmajadas #cuenca #spain
“Soy William Walace, y el resto quedáis perdonados. Volved a Inglaterra y decidles a todos que los hijos y las hijas de Escocia ya no son vuestros. Decidles que Escocia es libre.”
- William Walace, Braveheart (1995)
#braveheart #melgibson #brendangleeson #sophiemarceau #briancox
#braveheart #melgibson #brendangleeson #sophiemarceau #briancox
The CIC are celebrating Christmas in February, with Bond! Ben and Jason kick off their first review of 2023, with Pierce Brosnan in The World Is Not Enough. Parts 1 and 2 of our giant-sized review are out now wherever fine podcasts are streamed!
#JamesBond #TheWorldIsNotEnough #PierceBrosnan #SophieMarceau #DeniseRichards #SpyMovies
#jamesbond #theworldisnotenough #piercebrosnan #sophiemarceau #deniserichards #spymovies
Mon défi pour 2023 : #unjourunacteurunfilm ou #unjouruneactriceunfilm Aujourd'hui, celle qui restera le symbole de notre adolescence, ainsi que celle des des générations suivantes ! Bonne journée les z'amis ! #SophieMarceau
#unjourunacteurunfilm #unjouruneactriceunfilm #sophiemarceau
#Depardieu is a tough veteran cop Mangin in a busy police district in Paris. He apprehends a couple who are suspected in drug trafficking. After grueling interrogation, Noria (#SophieMarceau) is let go but not Simon. His brothers are getting antsy. With a pretty superintendent trainee in tow, Mangin, Noria's lawyer & Noria go to disco. Hey, we’re just human beings no? Men, women, attraction...things happen. Realistic but not minimalistic, Police is another gem from #MauricePialat #frenchcinema
#depardieu #sophiemarceau #mauricepialat #frenchcinema
Zulawski's manic energy has no comparison. The film is hard to follow since its dialog is totally nonsensical. But one grandiose, emotionally and physically bare, violent scenes after another, you get into the groove of things. You get to feel the film first, as you try to digest what it all means. Chaos is methodology and it's an amazing feat. His examination of Love & animal instinct is embodied by Sophie Marceau. She eats up the screen. #andrejzulawski #SophieMarceau #LamourBraque #theidiot
#andrejzulawski #sophiemarceau #lamourbraque #theidiot
Mes Nuits sont Plus Belles que Vos Jours (1989) - Zulawski
#SophieMarceau #JacquesDutronc #andrejzulawski
#sophiemarceau #jacquesdutronc #andrejzulawski
“Soy William Walace, y el resto quedáis perdonados. Volved a Inglaterra y decidles a todos que los hijos y las hijas de Escocia ya no son vuestros. Decidles que Escocia es libre.”
- William Walace, Braveheart (1995)
#braveheart #melgibson #brendangleeson #sophiemarceau #briancox
#braveheart #melgibson #brendangleeson #sophiemarceau #briancox
Il cineclub Leo proietta: "Jailbirds, la taularde" con #sophiemarceau #mastocinema
« 007 - cycle Pierce Brosnan » 3/4
Le monde ne suffit pas (1999)
Scénario absent, gadgets ringards & casting sexy (et mauvais)
#LeMondeNeSuffitPas #TheWorldIsNotEnough #PierceBrosnan #JamesBond #SophieMarceau #RobertCarlyle #DeniseRichards
#lemondenesuffitpas #theworldisnotenough #piercebrosnan #jamesbond #sophiemarceau #robertcarlyle #deniserichards
IL MUSICISTA-LOGGIONISTA: SOPHIE MARCEAU #Marceau #SophieMarceau #France #Movie #Bond #Gibson #Wenders #Antonioni
#antonioni #Wenders #Gibson #Bond #movie #france #sophiemarceau #marceau
Ah ! La belle et généreuse #SophieMarceau en TT. Je me souviens de son doux baiser sur ma joue et d'un caddy rempli. L'hôtesse de caisse hallucinait. Lors d'un tournage dans le 14ème où je faisais la manche, boulevard St Jacques... (et ouais...) Ma vie #AuRasDuSol