Review: Gospel at Colonus, Court Theatre, Chicago
#Chicago #Review #Musical #Sophocles #Theater #Theatre #HydeParkChicago
#chicago #review #musical #sophocles #theater #theatre #hydeparkchicago
really awesome comm for gurensi on inkbunny
#shota #chubby #ass #butt #booty #cub #kemoshota #male #gay #boys #bowserjr #koopa #nintendo #mario #chowder #lancer #deltarune #sophocles #pokemon #buford #bufordvanstomm #phineasandferb #commission #commissions
#shota #chubby #ass #butt #booty #cub #kemoshota #male #gay #boys #bowserjr #koopa #nintendo #mario #chowder #lancer #deltarune #sophocles #pokemon #buford #bufordvanstomm #phineasandferb #commission #commissions
“You win the victory when you yield to friends.”
― Sophocles
#bot #quote #friendship #sophocles
Beluister “Antigone” van Sophocles.
Uitgezonden door de KRO op dinsdag 11-11-1980.
Antigone wil hoe dan ook haar dode broer begraven, al is het de koning zelf die het haar verbiedt.
Zij stelt de wetten van de goden hoger dan de decreten van een heerser.
Hoewel ze weet dat haar ongehoorzaamheid haar het leven kan kosten, volgt ze haar geweten en probeert ze haar broer een waardige begrafenis te geven.
If you have an extra ninety minutes, I highly recommend you watch this 1957 recording of the Canadian Stratford Festival’s production of Oedipus Rex. We watched it in our English class this past week and it was spectacular! This brilliant production was directed by Tyrone Guthrie and stars Douglas Campbell as the titular role, with William Shatner in the chorus.
#Sophocles #OedipusRex #Tragedy #AncientGreece #ThebanPlays #Drama #Theater #Theatre
#sophocles #oedipusrex #tragedy #ancientgreece #thebanplays #drama #theater #theatre
Beluister “Antigone” van Sophocles.
Uitgezonden door de KRO op dinsdag 11-11-1980.
Antigone wil hoe dan ook haar dode broer begraven, al is het de koning zelf die het haar verbiedt.
Zij stelt de wetten van de goden hoger dan de decreten van een heerser.
Hoewel ze weet dat haar ongehoorzaamheid haar het leven kan kosten, volgt ze haar geweten en probeert ze haar broer een waardige begrafenis te geven.
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles #philosophy
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles #philosophy
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles
A sculpture of the god Hercules battling his rival Achelous, here transformed into a serpent. The story of #Achelous, in the form of a bull, battling with #Hercules for the hand of Deianeira, was told as early as the 7th century BC.
It's located in the Louvre museum in Paris. Achelous was a son of the Titans and was also said to be the father of the Sirens. The sculpture was made by François Joseph Bosio in 1824.
#Louvre #ancienthistory #histodons #ancientGreece #mythology #Heracles #Sophocles
#achelous #hercules #louvre #ancienthistory #histodons #ancientgreece #mythology #Heracles #sophocles
“Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.”
― Sophocles
Beluister “Antigone” van Sophocles.
Uitgezonden door de KRO op dinsdag 11-11-1980.
Antigone wil hoe dan ook haar dode broer begraven, al is het de koning zelf die het haar verbiedt.
Zij stelt de wetten van de goden hoger dan de decreten van een heerser.
Hoewel ze weet dat haar ongehoorzaamheid haar het leven kan kosten, volgt ze haar geweten en probeert ze haar broer een waardige begrafenis te geven.
#Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Saigyo #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Herbert #Rabelais #Sophocles #Plato etc...
#Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #saigyo #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #herbert #Rabelais #sophocles #plato
“Stupidity is a terrible opponent to wrestle”
ὡς δυσπάλαιστόν <ἐστιν> ἀμαθία κακόν #Sophocles
“Stupidity really is evil’s sibling”
ἡ δὲ μωρία
μάλιστ᾿ ἀδελφὴ τῆς πονηρίας ἔφυ
Ash x Sophocles is a slept on ship. His mini ginger boyfriend always inventing things to woo him and show him he’s loved. It’s so rareeeeee. #rarepair #ash #sophocles #pokemon #shota
#rarepair #ash #sophocles #pokemon #shota
sophocles don't you know better than to go with a strange ojisan alone in a forest?
#pokemonmasters #sophocles #cyrus #crackpair #shotacon #shota #ojisan #kissing
#sophocles #pokemonmasters #cyrus #crackpair #shotacon #shota #ojisan #kissing