Next gen #Dorstenia gigas
#succulents from #soqotra #yemen grown in #copenhagen
#copenhagen #yemen #soqotra #succulents #dorstenia
It is #Dorstenia gigas time again -
#succulents from #Soqotra #Yemen
@ #BotanicalGardens #Copenhagen
First flowers, then leaves ...
#plantscience #botany #copenhagen #botanicalgardens #yemen #soqotra #succulents #dorstenia
#Dorstenia gigas and neighbour #Pachypodium succulentum
at #BotanicalGardens #Copenhagen -
flowers very different,
origins different - #Soqotra and #SouthAfrica
but beautiful side by side.
#plantscience #botany #succulents #southafrica #soqotra #copenhagen #botanicalgardens #Pachypodium #dorstenia
#Dorstenia gigas is a survival artist.
First plant, grown from seed at home, lost all leaves due to mealy bugs and treatment, yet makes new leaves.
Plant two, at #BotanicalGardens #Copenhagen , looked dead all year - yet it blooms.
#succulents #yemen #socotra #soqotra
#botany #PlantScience
#plantscience #botany #soqotra #socotra #yemen #succulents #copenhagen #botanicalgardens #dorstenia
The weird beauty of the inflorescence of #Dorstenia gigas -
at #BotanicalGardensCopenhagen ...
#succulents #yemen #socotra #soqotra #copenhagen
#botany #plantscience
@gbif @plants
#plantscience #botany #copenhagen #soqotra #socotra #yemen #succulents #botanicalgardenscopenhagen #dorstenia
Leaves of #Dorstenia gigas,
#Botanical #Gardens #Copenhagen
#succulents #yemen #socotra #soqotra
#botany #plantscience @plants
#plantscience #botany #soqotra #socotra #yemen #succulents #copenhagen #gardens #botanical #dorstenia
#Dorstenia gigas from #Socotra #Soqotra #Yemen.
Growth in winter quarters, in #Copenhagen #Denmark.
#moraceae #succulents #plantscience #botany #denmark #copenhagen #yemen #soqotra #socotra #dorstenia
comment/correction: distribution of #Dorstenia foetida is much wider than just #Socotra #Soqotra - it is
#Ethiopia, #Somalia, #Kenya, #Tanzania, #SaudiArabia, #Yemen and #Oman.
#oman #yemen #saudiarabia #tanzania #kenya #somalia #ethiopia #soqotra #socotra #dorstenia
Flower of
#Dorstenia foetida verde
from #Socotra #Soqotra #Yemen
#Plant in #Copenhagen
#plantscience #botany #succulents #copenhagen #plant #yemen #soqotra #socotra #dorstenia
@NaturalSelection @plants @NdeVere
Same daydream here ... one day i ll go to #Soqotra ...
#Dorstenia gigas from #Socotra or #Soqotra (#Yemen) at the Botanical Gardens #Copenhagen
#botany #plantscience #Dorstenia #succulents #botanicalGardens
#botanicalgardens #succulents #plantscience #botany #copenhagen #yemen #soqotra #socotra #dorstenia
Plants from #Socotra or #Soqotra (#Yemen) at the Botanical Gardens #Copenhagen
#botany #plantscience #Dorstenia #Euphorbia #succulents #botanicalGardens
#botanicalgardens #succulents #euphorbia #dorstenia #plantscience #botany #copenhagen #yemen #soqotra #socotra
Texture of #Euphorbia abdelkuri
#Socotra #Soqotra #Yemen #succulents #botany
#plantscience @plants
#plantscience #botany #succulents #yemen #soqotra #socotra #euphorbia
#Euphorbia abdelkuri, endemic to Abd al Kuri, an island in the archipelago of #Socotra or #Soqotra, #Yemen.
Embraced here by a #Selenicereus, from which it couldnt be more different: one likes water, the other hardly knows it.
#botany #cacti #succulents #Selenicereus #yemen #soqotra #socotra #euphorbia
#Euphorbia abdelkuri, endemic to Abd al Kuri, an island in the archipelago of #Socotra or #Soqotra, #Yemen.
Embraced here by a #Selenicereus, from which it couldnt be more different: one likes water, the other hardly knows it.
#succulents #cacti #euphorbia #botany
#botany #cacti #succulents #Selenicereus #yemen #soqotra #socotra #euphorbia
now's a good time to grow ...
#socotra #soqotra #cacti #cactus #succulents #hylocereus #dorstenia #adenium