Gisteren op Valentijnsdag, publiceerde #kunstenaar #Banksy op Insta zijn nieuwste werk “Valentine’s Day Mascara” om geweld tegen meisjes en vrouwen aan te kaarten door de karikatuur van een huisvrouw uit de jaren vijftig met een gezwollen oog. #geweldtegenvrouwen #soroptimist #Banksy #Valentine
#valentine #soroptimist #geweldtegenvrouwen #banksy #kunstenaar
Nein zu Gewalt gegen Frauen
Deckel und Aufsteller, Restaurant in #Lübeck
Did you know that letting your hair blow in the wind is a crime in Iran?
#medestander #zontasaysnotoviolenceagainstwomen #zontasaysno #stopgeweldtegenvrouwen #stopgeweldtegenvrouwenenmeisjes
#zontaeindhoven #SoroptimistclubEindhoven #orangetheworldnl #zontanederland #zontadistrict29 #soroptimistinternational #Soroptimist #zonta #zontainternational #zontaint #unwomennl
#unwomennl #zontaint #zontainternational #zonta #soroptimist #soroptimistinternational #zontadistrict29 #zontanederland #orangetheworldnl #soroptimistclubeindhoven #zontaeindhoven #stopgeweldtegenvrouwenenmeisjes #stopgeweldtegenvrouwen #zontasaysno #zontasaysnotoviolenceagainstwomen #medestander
I am a #Soroptimist - 25 Nov every year we run events to highlight #UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UNITE) - pictures shows women on town hall steps 25 Nov 2020 and 2021 when town council lights up the Town hall in orange to support #unite
I am a #Soroptimist - 25 Nov every year we run events to highlight #UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UNITE) - pictures shows women on town hall steps 25 Nov 2020 and 2021 when town council lights up the Town hall in orange to support #UNITE
I am a #Soroptimist - 25 Nov every year we run events to highlight UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UNITE) - pictures shows women on town hall steps 25 Nov 2020 and 2021 when town council lights up the Town hall in orange to support UNITE
Today is #WorldToiletDay - I work with #Soroptimist colleagues in my home to twin toilets through so that women and girls in rural communities can have some dignity and safety in their daily lives
#toilettwinning #soroptimist #WorldToiletDay