I looked at this and the first thing that pooped (not a spelling mistake.. it didn't pop it pooped) into my head was the 1976* "Girls, Girls, Girls" song by Sailor..
"Butts, Butts, Butts,
Butts, Butts, Butts,
Butts, Butts, Butts,
Butts, Butts, Butts,
Well Little, Large, Black or White
in your face or out of sight
they stoke the fires of romance..
Old butts,
Young butts,
plain or tattooed butts
they still all jiggle when you go dance..."
* before your time ;D
@KevinHowells Will Yadav taking Bohannon’s wicket have a Jayant influence on this game? #sorrynotsorry
I would like to say I cannot believe I am actually just about ready to post this stupid game to itch.
However, I know myself well enough to know that once the idea crossed my mind it was an inevitable outcome.
#ttrpgDesign #TTRPGWriting #shitposts #sorrynotsorry
Frauen am Steuer eines Motorrads: Sexy.
Vandaag terug een dagje vrij. Gingen normaal sinds gisteren in de waerwaters zitten, maar babysit vinden voor prottie was een onbegonnen zaak. Uitstel, maar geen afstel. Ben dan maar terug in bed gekropen, nadat we ze naar school gebracht hebben🤭. #sorrynotsorry
@Katrien Doe zoals mijn dochter, die luiert enkel nog ´s nachts. Overdag is ze droog. #sorrynotsorry
It's clearly been wet. But I think it's a little otter.
#photography #groan #sorrynotsorry #sculpture
Joo en aio lukea uutista ihmisen aivoista löytyneestä elävästä madosta, vaikka näkisin juttuun sata linkkiä. Johonkin se raja on vedettävä, ja tänään se vedetään tähän. #sorrynotsorry
Cutting your toe nails in the gym changing rooms is rank #SorryNotSorry My arse was the victim of a surface to air missile of a big toe nail today and it was nasty #Mastodaoine
Charles Leclerc je asi nejvíc overated pilot v současném poli F1...
Jeho tým mu to neulehčuje, ale už dlouho neukázal sám nic extra a pořád ho většina bere jako Ferrari jedničku...
Zwolle, at least the part near the station, is the ugliest city I have ever visited in the Netherlands.
So apparently it's the final week of the #ShittyCameraChallenge and I had to do something to offend the Elder Gods as well as the #GameBoyCamera users (vertical image!)
The image is "straight out of camera", I only scaled it up and added a tiny white frame.
#SorryNotSorry #photography #PixelArt #monochrome #Fotografie #ESP32Cam
#shittycamerachallenge #gameboycamera #sorrynotsorry #photography #pixelart #monochrome #fotografie #esp32cam
@PhilippeBoey @elkepattyn @miebmol @Pevala
Katten zijn God's manier om te zeggen dat niet alles op deze planeet een nut heeft.
#geenkattenmens #afvoerendiehandel #sorrynotsorry
If you don't hear #Prince's voice in your head when you read this you're too young to follow me. #NewRule #SorryNotSorry
#prince #newrule #sorrynotsorry
@alisca it launches its rockets as soon as they reach boyling point.
#dadjoke #sorrynotsorry #mastodaoine
Der lokale Einzelhandel kann mich am A... lecken seit der Umtausch eines defekten €250 Spielzeuges hier 3 Monate gedauert hat.
Etwas das bei Amazon 3 Werktage dauert und ich mich nicht wie einen Verbrecher in einem Verhörzimmer vorkommen lässt.