#ImAVirgo, by #BootsRiley on #Amazon sounds as weird and interesting as his earlier #SorryToBotherYou and is apparently another commentary on the condition of the average working person, along with #race, and #revolution.
Sadly, it'll be a while before I can watch it because I canceled #Prime at the end of last year and have zero plans to ever rejoin.
#prime #revolution #Race #sorrytobotheryou #Amazon #bootsriley #imavirgo
Cette semaine, j'ai visiblement été un peu plus motivé que les précédentes ! ✨
J'ai bouclé #ThePeripheral en alternance avec l'incroyable et surprenant ovni #ImAVirgo ; rappel à moi-même d'enfin prendre le temps de voir #SorryToBotherYou.
J'ai donc vu 2 films.
Hier soir, j'ai vu l'épisode spécial d'#Invincible consacré aux origines d'#AtomEve et je ne serais pas contre plus de choses du genre pour patienter entre deux saisons d'un truc apprécié. (Mais ❤️ sur les artistes.)
#ThePeripheral #imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #invincible #atomeve
#ImAVirgo is exactly the kind of show you'd expect if you heard the guy who made #SorryToBotherYou made a series. This is impressively gonzo, and I love it. #BootsRiley
#imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #bootsriley
watch #imavirgo
watch #sorrytobotheryou
listen to #thecoup
#imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #thecoup
Blindspotting Season 2 starts tonight at 9PM!
This show REALLY speaks to me. East Bay urban experience, vibe of #SorryToBotherYou
Many local Oakland landmarks, inside jokes, the kind of people I've known, things I've experienced.
Must see!
#sorrytobotheryou #blindspotting #oakland
#Seinfeld, #Magnolia, #Reno911, #BojackHorseman, #ParksAndRec, #Justified, #Veep, #SorryToBotherYou, #Archer, #LadyDynamite, #RickAndMorty, #Metalocalypse, #BobsBurgers, #Community, #VentureBrothers, and now #Sandman.
If it's good, #PattonOswalt appears in it sooner or later.
#seinfeld #magnolia #reno911 #bojackhorseman #parksandrec #justified #veep #sorrytobotheryou #archer #ladydynamite #rickandmorty #metalocalypse #bobsburgers #community #venturebrothers #sandman #pattonoswalt
Film Genera: Psychedelic Action Comedy
1. Sorry to Bother You
2. Everything Everywhere, All At Once
3. White Noise (?)
Consider this a request for more in this genera, by all means possible: reply, dm, email, post card, note written on a toilet wall, Weegee board, Migraine, Encoded into the number plates of passing cars.
Which ever is your preferred mode of correspondence.
#Film #Genera #SorryToBotherYou #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #PsychedelicActionComedy
#film #Genera #sorrytobotheryou #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #psychedelicactioncomedy
I rewatched #SorryToBotherYou Tuesday night and realized I was really much too stoned the first time I saw it.
I'd forgotten all about the #WeWork / #WorryFree aspect and the #equisapiens. I even misremembered the early garage door scene as some trippy effect.
Anyway, #STBY is very good, funny, and presciently dark. Watch it when you're not too high.
I love that #BootsRiley let #DannyGlover have that line, and the reference to #Rhythm0, among many other things that should make us all think.
#worryfree #rhythm0 #dannyglover #bootsriley #stby #equisapiens #wework #sorrytobotheryou
How did I never hear about these guys before? This is funky as hell. I did watch the movie Boots directed, #SorryToBotherYou, #TheCoup, #HipHop, #Oakland
#sorrytobotheryou #thecoup #hiphop #oakland
1. #OfficeSpace
2. #SlaveryByAnotherName
3. #Koyaanisqatsi
4. #SummerOfSoul
5. #TheDeclineOfWesternCivilization
6. #RogueOne
7. #SorryToBotherYou
#7filmstoknowme #officespace #slaverybyanothername #koyaanisqatsi #SummerOfSoul #thedeclineofwesterncivilization #rogueone #sorrytobotheryou
RT @javipalarcon@twitter.com
Ya tenéis en @NetflixPelis@twitter.com esa obra maestra que es #SorryToBotherYou, que traduje hace unos años para doblaje para su estreno en DVD y que hoy suben a Netflix. Si optáis por la VOSE, los subtítulos corren a cargo del indómito @follaldre@twitter.com, así que estáis en buenas manos. https://twitter.com/horrorlosers/status/1546930875614593024
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/javipalarcon/status/1547132983995518981
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore vu l'excellent film #SorryToBotherYou,
Un extrait...
(pt 4) However, on the old Medium account, one can find two women peddling a brand they created called Ubuntu, a word derived from South Africa. Neither of these women are South African, but neither do the people who will likely consume this article or their brand care.
Long story short, if you were watching "Sorry to Bother You" and though WorryFree looked like a great company, this is the co-working/living space for you!
#sorrytobotheryou #theassemblage
The real life sequel to #SorryToBotherYou going on in the Philippines, where workers are treated as disposable and building skills gets you fired:
'No other way to fight back': Philippines call center workers battle unfair quotas
https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/nov/21/no-other-way-to-fight-back-philippines-call-center-workers-battle-unfair-quotas cc: @BootsRiley@twitter.com
Current mood: Bummed out that while I am getting paid tomorrow and would be able to afford going out and seeing #SorrytoBotherYou it is no longer showing at the one local theater that I only noticed a few weeks ago. Missed it by like a week :(
Hopefully another chance arises.
it’d be really cool if every creature meme created here
phone weasel
big tiddy ALF
normal horse et al
is then brought to life by Eugen & kept in a cool flop house until they’re needed to fight the revolution
pay no attention to any #SorryToBotherYou overtones
#SorryToBotherYou finally came to #btv. Hot damn, what a strange and good movie...
#SorryToBotherYou was so surreal, so dark, and so GOOD! Easily the second best movie of the year (second because of Black Panther. :))
'Sorry to Bother You' (2018) Review http://hub.me/am8Fs #SorrytoBotherYou #Sorry2BotherYou #moviereview #LakeithStanfield #TessaThompson #JermaineFowler #OmariHardwick #TerryCrews #DannyGlover #StevenYeun #ArmieHammer #DavidCross #PattonOswalt #BootsRiley #scifi #sciencefiction #comedy #Movies #AnnapurnaPictures
#sorrytobotheryou #sorry2botheryou #moviereview #lakeithstanfield #tessathompson #jermainefowler #omarihardwick #terrycrews #dannyglover #stevenyeun #armiehammer #davidcross #pattonoswalt #bootsriley #scifi #sciencefiction #comedy #movies #annapurnapictures