#Opera s #DataSaver acts as #VPN of #sorts #also ?
#opera #datasaver #vpn #sorts #also #interesting
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甲斐犬が来ました‼️(Kai dog came)#sorts ※今日から、甲斐犬と暮らします🐕 https://www.wacoca.com/pets/149152/
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キメ顔はプロっぽいハスキー犬 トイプードルと雪中サッカー#sorts https://www.wacoca.com/pets/101106/
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#Memory_Lane | This Republican Governor Just #Compared_Kids #Going_Back to #School to #Killing #Osama_Bin_Laden |
The First #Rule of #Politics has long been to #Never, Ever #Compare_Anything to #Nazi_Germany.
The #Murder of 6 million #Jews defies comparison. The second rule of politics -- or maybe just an #addendum to the first #rule -- should be:
Never compare anything to the #mission that #led to the #death of Osama_Bin_Laden. Updated 4:55 PM ET, Thu August 13, 2020
#Florida_Gov. #Ron_DeSantis (yes, him again) seemed to have #missed that #class in #politician_school.
But none of this is in any way #comparable to a group of #Navy_SEALs killing bin Laden. Like, at all.
I guess what DeSantis was going for was the idea that even after one of the helicopters crash-landed during the raid on bin Laden's compound, the SEAL team still kept going to finish their mission.
And so, even as there are all #sorts of #challenges to #Sending #Kids #back_to_school, #Florida is going to overcome those #obstacles to make sure #PARENTS have the #CHOICE between #In_person and #virtual_learning? I think?
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #Compared_Kids #Going_Back #school #Killing #Osama_Bin_Laden #rule #politics #NEVER #Compare_Anything #Nazi_Germany #murder #Jews #addendum #mission #led #death #Florida_Gov #Ron_DeSantis #missed #class #politician_school #comparable #Navy_SEALs #sorts #challenges #Sending #kids #back_to_school #florida #obstacles #parents #choice #In_person #virtual_learning