Nice venue for a beer with FPGA at #sosc2022. @mmirko live demo of porting ML
Models to etherougeneous architecture and more! #fpga #machinelearning
#sosc2022 #fpga #machinelearning
Diving into all things #containers with Davide Solomoni from INFN at #sosc2022 - next stop create your own data science environment! #scipy #pandas #openscience
#containers #sosc2022 #scipy #pandas #openscience
Looking for a university IT lab on low power? At Perugia Physics department we got you covered! Putting some data science at work now for #sosc2022 school. #raspberrypi #x2go
Welcome to the 4th edition of the School of Open Science Cloud #sosc2022 #openscience! This year the main objective is to show the student how to build a scientific data analysis compute model on a cloud native world. We will get our hands dirty with #docker, #ArgoWorkflows, #dask and more, stay tuned!
#sosc2022 #docker #ArgoWorkflows #dask #openscience