27 QSOs today on SOTA DM/SX-044 Papststein. 24 °C, no wind: very nice day out in Saxony testing the new #SOTABEAMS tactical mini mast. #SummitsOnTheAir #sota #elecraftkx2 #cw #HamRadio
#sotabeams #summitsontheair #sota #elecraftkx2 #cw #hamradio
Really looking forward to the big garden in the new place. Yes it's going to be great for growing things, but I'm also looking forward to having my #sotabeams rig up for most of the summer, and am tempted to get a DX Commander #antenna before we go to town on the land. #amateurradio
#sotabeams #antenna #amateurradio
I can’t sleep. Why not do some Ham Radio Morse Code DX’ing from my Marriott Hotel Room on the 5th floor. Yaesu FT818/Homebuilt 40-30-20m Magnetic Loop/3D printed Iambic CW key/Bioenno Battery/ #hamradio #AmateurRadio #morsecode #qrp #Yaesu #cw #dxing #sotabeams #magneticloops
#hamradio #AmateurRadio #morsecode #qrp #yaesu #cw #dxing #sotabeams #magneticloops