Voisiko #SosiaaliJaTerveysministeriö n viinalaskuun vaikuttaa mitenkään se, että tekivät #sotr n, ja sitten oli joku #pandemia kin tuossa. Sidosryhmiä on "ehkä" tavattu "hieman" useammin.
Tutkivassa journalismissa kaupunkijärjen käyttö kielletty?
#sosiaalijaterveysministerio #sotr #pandemia #alkoholi #edustuskulut
Good bye #Brighton. Next stop for STORIES ON THE ROAD: #Leeds. See you there! #sotr https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/stories-on-the-road#leeds
That‘s a wrap. A lovely evening in #Brighton ended. Four fantastic talks by Arisa, @adactio, @cassiecodes and @philhawksworth at our first stop of Stories on the Road. Thanks to everybody for coming and to the speakers for delivering valuable content. Videos will be up tomorrow. #sotr
For a longer time my friends of Storyblok and I are working on the idea of bringing free meetup-like community events to you. What was cooking for a while finally is starting now with our first two stops in Brighton and Leeds, in the UK.
I have written down a few things about wjat drives me to help with those and why I look forward to this.
Happy and delighted to let you know, that @philhawksworth is joining Storyblok and me for both stops on our “Stories on the Road" tour. Added his information and talk and you should be quick. Registrations are fast and it is a free event. https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/stories-on-the-road #sotr
RT @ShayKhatiri
This is one of the most interesting #SotR episodes we've had so far. You've gotta listen.